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Alcohol addiction rehab is a treatment facility that can provide effective and immediate alcoholism treatment. According to Public Health England (PHE), in 2019, 1.26 million of all hospital admissions in England were alcohol-related. Care to venture any guesses as to why the statistics of alcoholism in the UK since then have been skyrocketing? 

Well, the UK has transformed into a society that encourages alcohol consumption. Whether it is the adults or the youngsters, almost 20-30% of the UK’s population experiences alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction once in a lifetime. 

What is Addiction Rehab?

This makes it impossible to neglect that a wide chunk of the population in the UK requires alcohol rehab centers in UK. But, how to treat alcoholism? Is it safe to acquire treatment at an alcohol addiction rehab? Does alcohol addiction help at an alcohol rehab clinic fulfil the criteria of effectiveness? 

Alcoholism is a curse for the UK. In fact, it is a curse that has been in the books for a long time. 

In England, there are more than 586,780 alcohol addicts. Only 18% of these alcohol addicts are receiving proper treatment. 

In 2018, England experienced 7,551 deaths because of alcohol dependence. Do you believe these people could have been saved in time if they received alcoholism treatment at an alcohol addiction rehab?

From 2014 to 2020, 67% of all accidents that took place in England and Wales were a result of alcohol abuse in the UK. 

You see, with these statistics, it is vital for alcohol abuse help and alcohol addiction help to be accessible in the UK. 

Luckily, if you happen to be seeking alcoholism treatment for yourself or your loved ones, you are in the right place.

Alcohol addiction rehabs in the UK work to achieve one aim: To improve the well-being of alcohol addicts with alcoholism treatment. 

Related: Luxury Inpatient Drug Addiction Rehab

Because everyone has different needs when it comes to the treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder, it is important for all alcohol rehab centers in the UK to formulate personalised treatment plans for all alcohol addicts.

Note: Alcohol dependence can range from mild to severe. In each case, it is important for you to seek alcohol addiction treatment at an alcohol rehab clinic to ensure a full recovery. 

Because of personalising each treatment plan, alcohol addiction rehabs in the UK serve several purposes. 

However, there is one commonality in all alcoholism treatments at an alcohol rehabilitation center – The effectiveness of the treatment. 

Effective treatment for alcohol addiction at an alcohol rehab clinic in the UK follows 4 stages:

  1. Initiation: This is the stage where you explore the damaging effects of alcoholism and you acknowledge your own thought process that alcohol abuse has altered.
  2. Early Abstinence: This is the stage after detox. By this stage, you will continue to experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Adhere to the process and you will observe positively life-changing events soon. 
  3. Maintaining Abstinence: During this stage, you will learn to implement coping strategies at an alcohol rehabilitation center in the UK. As you proceed to do so, you will notice how your cravings continually decline. 
  4. Recovery: Although this stage takes place after alcohol addiction rehab, approximately 4-5 years later, you will be taught about this stage during your tenure at the alcohol rehab clinic. During this stage, you must make some lifestyle changes like continuing to attend social gatherings, refurbishing older relationships, and partaking in recreational activities. 

“By this stage, his career and home life were beginning to fall apart. He was missing business meetings to go for a drink,” wrote Chronicle Live about Mark, an alcohol addict who recovered with the assistance of alcohol rehab in the UK. 

Prevent your story from fitting the same mould as Mark’s. Remember that alcohol abuse help in the UK is as accessible as you want it to be. 

Recognizing the warning signs is merely half of the process. Acting upon the warning signs to initiate a chain of events that lead to alcohol recovery is the other half. 

Monitor your loved ones for the warning signs enunciated below or take it as a self-assessment to understand if you require alcohol addiction rehab. 

  • Drinking more than usual or drinking more than you ever did in the past.
  • Prioritising having a drink over other vital activities or skipping academic activities or professional activities to have a drink. 
  • Daytime drinking.
  • Lying about the amount of time you spend drinking.
  • Experiencing complete blackouts because of having one too many drinks.
  • Feeling irritable if you are not able to access alcohol.
  • Willing to but not being able to quit alcohol.
  • Jeopardizing relationships because of a drinking problem. 
  • Having emotional outbursts.
  • Becoming physically dependent on alcohol and experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you are not able to consume. 
  • Engaging in violence because of alcoholism.
  • Engaging in daily life activities while you are under the influence of alcohol. 

Please understand that if you begin to notice more than 5-7 warning signs as quoted above, it is time to pay a visit to an outpatient or an inpatient alcohol addiction rehab. 

If your loved ones are having a drinking problem, they will not accept it. Denial is a common feature found in alcohol abusers. However, it is not optional to seek alcohol addiction help. 

Act when the time is right and save yourself from a life of regret. 

Remember: Alcoholism is as lethal as venom. Once alcohol abuse has been initiated, it is likely that your life will be the ultimate cost. In fact, even before alcoholism takes your life, it will destroy every possible strand of joy in life. Prevent it today

As the name depicts, an outpatient alcohol addiction rehab is an alcoholism treatment facility, whereby you will be required to attend daily treatments and therapies under the guidance of a therapist. 

Luxury Alcohol Rehab in London UK

Alcohol counselling at an outpatient rehab might not be suitable for everyone. For instance, if your condition is extreme, if you have engaged in alcohol abuse for more than a year, and if you fail to resist the temptation of consuming a drink during the day, an outpatient alcohol rehab will not be for you! 

However, if the following pointers complement your condition, an outpatient alcohol rehab clinic will suffice:

  • You do not require 24/7, vigilant observation.
  • You do not have co-occurring psychological problems.
  • You can resist relapses while you are not visiting the outpatient alcohol rehab clinic. 

If your condition is not severe and if alcohol abuse has not been your go-to option for too long a time period, an outpatient alcohol rehab might also offer some benefits.

First things first: an outpatient alcohol rehab tends to provide flexible timings. This can enable you to receive alcoholism treatment and alcohol counselling, while also attending the school and proceeding on with your career. 

It basically promotes the thought that alcohol addiction rehab is not supposed to be the end of life. 

Secondly, outpatient alcohol rehabs are cost-friendly. If your health is sustainable enough to not require around-the-clock alcohol counselling, there is no point in investing in it. 

Thirdly, outpatient alcohol rehabilitation provides the alcoholics with the opportunity to have open access to their families. 

Why is this so important? Well, families can be important sources of support and courage while a certain loved one undergoes treatment. 

Outpatient alcohol rehabilitation has several amenities, facilities, resources, and benefits to offer to those who are well-suited for the treatment program. 

While we are exploring the subject, outpatient alcohol help in the UK typically lasts longer than inpatient alcohol therapy and rehab. 

While inpatient alcoholism treatment provides continuous treatment, the structure of alcoholism treatment at an outpatient alcohol rehabilitation in the UK is divided and split into chunks. 

For that reason, alcoholism treatment at an outpatient alcohol rehab clinic can take at least 6 months to a year.

Facilities and Amenities at an Outpatient Alcohol Rehab for Alcohol Help

An outpatient alcohol rehab tends to provide alcohol addiction help in the UK with the assistance of the following facilities:

  • Well-trained medical professionals for alcohol counselling
  • Individual therapies
  • Access to group therapies like 12-step facilitation
  • Family therapy 
  • Medication-assisted therapy for the management of alcohol withdrawal

The purpose of providing these facilities is two-fold. Firstly, the fact that outpatient alcohol rehabs provide individual, group, and family alcohol therapies accentuate the effectiveness of the treatment. 

Secondly, it enables the patients to manage their addictions outside of the outpatient alcohol rehabilitation center.

If an outpatient alcohol rehabilitation center fulfils the criteria of effective treatment for you, it will be the best possible course of action for you. 

So, how to treat alcoholism at an inpatient treatment center for alcoholism?

Inpatient alcohol rehab clinics in the UK are residential treatment programs that tend to offer around the clock, 24/7 alcoholism treatment. 

It is fair to expect that a person who requires 24/7 treatment must have a severe case of alcoholism. 

To put it differently, alcoholism treatment at an inpatient alcohol addiction rehab will only be the ideal course of treatment for you if your addiction is severe and is continually affected by external triggers. 

Intervention for Alcoholism

By cutting you off from the external triggers and the environment that provokes alcohol abuse, inpatient alcohol rehabilitation can reduce the alcohol cravings. 

Now, let’s explore every bit of information about the length, benefits, and facilities that an inpatient alcohol rehabilitation center in the UK has to offer. 

Length of an Inpatient Alcohol Addiction Help Rehab in the UK

The length of alcoholism treatment at an alcohol rehab clinic in the UK can vary along the lines of:

  • 30 days
  • 60 days
  • 90 days

Rationally speaking, an inpatient alcohol rehab will provide alcoholism treatment for as long as it takes you to recover. 

Note: Remember that “recovery” is a figure of speech. An alcohol addiction rehab – inpatient or outpatient – can help you develop coping strategies and the right mindset to stay abstinent. But, recovery is an ongoing process that continues for years even after rehab! 

So, the length of inpatient alcohol treatment will depend upon the extent and severity of alcohol abuse. 

Benefits of Inpatient Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers in the UK

There are numerous benefits of inpatient alcohol rehab centers in the UK. 

Firstly, an inpatient alcohol rehab possesses the ability to counter your cravings by removing alcohol from your surroundings – and thus removing the triggers. 

Out of sight, out of mind. Isn’t that right? But, getting rid of alcohol addiction is not so simple. This is where the second benefit of inpatient alcohol rehab centers traverses its way in.

An inpatient alcohol addiction rehab provides alcohol abuse help in the UK by enabling alcohol counselling to take place 24/7. 

Despite the hour on the clock, help is always available at an inpatient alcohol rehab. 

Thirdly, an inpatient alcohol rehab – by boycotting you from triggers – creates an environment that resonates with the idea of abstinence from alcohol. This makes it easy for alcohol abusers to stay on track. 

Fourthly, an undeniable benefit of seeking alcoholism treatment at an inpatient alcohol addiction rehab is that it allows you to receive “structured” treatment. 

“Structured,” in this context, implies a well-formulated, personalized, and regularly updated alcohol addiction treatment plan. 

Unfortunately, a structured alcohol addiction treatment plan is typically considered a speciality of inpatient alcohol rehabilitation, instead of outpatient alcohol rehab.

Last but not the least, the security of acquiring alcoholism treatment at an inpatient alcohol rehab lies in the fact that medical professionals can attend to any patient in a matter of a few minutes. 

Facilities at an Inpatient Alcoholism Rehabilitation Centers

Besides alcohol therapies, an inpatient alcoholism rehabilitation also provides additional facilities that include:

  • Wellness and fitness activities
  • Experiential therapies
  • Family programmes
  • Nutritional assessment 
  • Spiritual care
  • Aftercare education
  • Mental health assessment

You see, these facilities at outpatient alcohol rehabs are simply not present. These additional facilities at inpatient alcoholism rehabilitation centers complement the effectiveness of the treatment plans. 

Note: There can be a number of additional facilities at different inpatient alcoholism rehabilitation centers in the UK. The list is not exhaustive. 

Luxury inpatient alcohol rehab centers in the UK or Private Alcohol Rehabs are different from traditional inpatient alcoholism rehabilitation centers. 

Why so? Well, luxury inpatient alcohol rehabs tend to provide the best rehabilitation and alcoholism treatment. The quality of treatment, the credentials of the professional staff, and the facilities at a luxury alcohol rehab center make significant differences. 

While high-end, 5-star treatment is provided at luxury inpatient alcohol rehabs, traditional inpatient alcohol rehabs provide an alcoholism treatment plan that may not suffice. 

A luxury inpatient alcohol rehab or a private alcohol rehab can establish an environment to bless you with a brand new chance at redeeming yourself, while also granting you exquisite facilities. 

At a Private alcohol rehab center, every client has a private villa, along with the following facilities:

  • Absolute privacy
  • Private chef
  • Personal driver
  • Housekeeping
  • A big garden
  • A pool, golf, and other sports activities for recreational facilities

The additional therapies for alcoholism treatment at a luxury alcohol rehab center include:

  • Art and music therapy
  • Animal-assisted therapy
  • Equine therapy
  • Massage therapy
  • Adventure therapy

Are you looking for an opportunity to avail the aforementioned services and facilities for alcohol therapy and alcoholism treatment at an inpatient alcoholism rehabilitation center? 

Well, you are in the right place. We happen to be the best rehab in London, UK. Our inpatient alcoholism rehabilitation services will be the right fit for you under all circumstances! 

Register today for celebrity treatment and 5-star treatment for your loved ones at our luxury treatment and therapy center. 

Take a step towards us and 100 steps towards the best alcoholism treatment alongside us. 

Luxury inpatient alcohol rehabs often provide alternative treatments along with traditional psychotherapies and pharmacotherapy for alcoholism treatment. 

The only aim and objective behind this are to maximize the potential beneficial effects of psychotherapies. 

Alternative treatments offered by private alcohol rehabs include:

  1. Yoga and Meditation: Alcoholism can often make people feel out of control. Yoga and meditation can help in such a scenario by slowly familiarising the patients with their bodies. The mind and body connection that yoga and meditation provide can help prevent relapses and adjust coping strategies to deflect alcohol abuse. 
  2. Acupuncture: Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that is used to restore the energy balance in the body. Inserting small and thin needles at specific points on the body can relieve some withdrawal symptoms of alcohol to a certain extent. This form of alcohol abuse help is used throughout the UK at inpatient alcohol rehabs with the assistance of qualified acupuncturists. 
  3. Light Therapy: Alcohol withdrawal often comes with insomnia. An effective alternative treatment for insomnia is light therapy. The process is concerned with exposure to artificial bright light during the natural waking hours. Light therapy adjusts the natural biological clock of the body and improves the insomnia-related withdrawal symptoms during alcoholism treatment. 

Your alcoholism treatment program will be thoroughly developed as per the need of our body, mind, and soul by your outpatient alcoholic rehab or inpatient alcoholic rehab of choice. 

However, there are a few key therapeutic approaches taken by all the best alcohol rehabs centers. 

These can include:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) 
  • Motivational Interviewing (MI)
  • Contingency Management (CM) 
  • Medication-Assisted Therapy

In many cases, an outpatient or an inpatient alcohol rehab clinic in the UK can provide you with complete access to 12-step Facilitation for aftercare and group support. 

Cognitive Behavioural Approach to Alcohol Therapy 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for alcoholism treatment and alcohol help in the UK is a frequently used approach. 

In fact, the best rehabs in the UK for alcoholism treatment particularly select this therapy as the foremost approach. 

Why? The reason for the selection of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy lies in its ability to change your thought process and ultimately, your behaviour. 

Normally, our thoughts open a gateway for us to act a certain way. Our beliefs, our faith, our abilities tend to transform directly into our behaviours.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy recognizes those alcohol abuse-related thoughts that deeply impact your thinking and emotions. 

After doing so, alcohol counselling through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can replace the negative aspects that influence your decision to consume alcohol – or worse, abuse alcohol. 

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can also help you develop coping strategies to combat an alcohol craving-inducing situation. 

In a way, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is food for thought. The alcohol counselling process engages your mind to detach from the prospect of abusing alcohol. With the assistance of CBT, you can stay abstinent and prevent relapses. 

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) for Alcohol Counselling

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy is a well-known approach in the UK to treat alcoholism. However, the use of Dialectical Behavioural Therapy for alcohol rehabilitation is constricted by a few conditions. 

Simply speaking, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy is particularly useful to combat alcoholism if your alcohol addiction is backed up by a certain mental health disorder, namely:

  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Antisocial personality disorder
  • Anxiety 
  • Depression 

Even if your alcohol addiction is accompanied by other drug addictions, DBT can be fairly successful in treating alcoholism. These “other” drug addictions can include illicit drug addictions (Marijuana, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Inhalants, Ecstasy, etc.) and sleeping aid addiction (Ambien, Lunesta, Amytal, etc.) 

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is an adaptation of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. For this reason, it can:

  1. Eliminate the gap between acceptance of addiction and motivation to seek treatment
  2. Counter negative thought patterns 
  3. Replace toxic and demeaning thoughts that lead to alcohol abuse
  4. Enunciate coping strategies to fight off the desperation that leads to relapses

To summarize this for you, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy is an evidence-based and effective approach for alcoholism treatment at an inpatient or outpatient alcohol rehabilitation center. 

But, is it effective in a stand-alone case of alcohol addiction? Probably not. Dialectical Behavioural Therapy is exceptionally powerful in case of dual diagnosis or polysubstance use disorder. 

Motivational Interviewing at an Outpatient or an Inpatient Private Alcohol Rehab

Motivational Interviewing is a client-centerd alcohol therapy. By saying that it is a client-centerd approach, we are expressing that Motivational Interviewing is more collaborative in nature than it is confrontational. 

The three basic principles of Motivational Interviewing include:

  • Empathy
  • Resistance
  • Self-efficacy

During Motivational Interviewing alcohol therapy and alcohol counselling you, as the client, will be educated about the possible disastrous effects of alcoholism. 

Your alcohol counsellor at an alcoholic rehab will motivate you to think about what you want to do about alcoholism and how you want to prevent the inevitable destruction. 

Note that the focus on “you” is maintained throughout Motivational Interviewing. 

By educating you about the effects of alcoholism, Motivational Interviewing will engage your mind to develop an intrinsically motivating thought process. 

To put it differently, Motivational Interviewing for alcohol therapy at the best alcohol rehab centers in the UK will push your mind to go on a quest to find an opportunity to unchain yourself from alcohol addiction. 

The purpose of alcohol counselling is to only give you one final push. Other than that, Motivational Interviewing helps you recognise your own abilities to prevent relapses.

Contingency Management (CM) for Alcohol Addiction Help at Alcohol Addiction Rehab Centers

Contingency Management is yet another optimal approach that is used by psychotherapists mostly at outpatient alcohol addiction rehabs. 

It is an operant conditioning approach. Meaning that certain behaviours are rewarded, while others are punished. 

During Contingency Management for alcoholism treatment behaviours like staying abstinent for certain periods, or attending therapy sessions frequently can result in the provision of rewards. 

The reward mechanism of the brain is exceptionally important in such scenarios. The perception of rewards allows the human brain to associate the idea of relapse prevention with financial or non-financial, tangible rewards. 

So, Contingency Management keeps a person glued to the idea of receiving a reward by staying clean from alcohol. 

This approach can be used for several weeks after detoxification from alcohol. It can enable reduction of cravings. 

Medication-Assisted Therapy (MAT) at Alcohol Addiction Rehabs Centers in the UK 

Medications are often used at outpatient alcohol rehabs and inpatient alcohol rehabilitation centers in the UK to:

  • Aid in detoxification
  • Manage withdrawal symptoms
  • Reduce cravings
  • Prevent potential relapses

Alcohol help in the UK with medications is availed easily. But, it comes at certain costs. Medications for alcoholism treatment have significant side effects. 

Anyhow, the medications frequently used for alcohol addiction treatment at alcoholic rehabs include:

  1. Acamprosate: The drug reduces the withdrawal symptoms of alcohol and prevents cravings. 
  2. Naltrexone and Vivitrol: Not only do these drugs reduce the cravings for alcohol but, they also dull down the pleasurable effects of alcohol. 
  3. Disulfiram: Disulfiram causes severe negative reactions when alcohol is consumed. 

Naltrexone, Vivitrol, and Disulfiram remove the pleasurable effects of alcohol and increase the level of discomfort upon alcohol consumption. 

This works like reverse psychology and declines the general “appeal and aesthetics” that revolve around alcohol abuse, thus, preventing relapses. 

Generally, Acamprosate comes with certain side effects. These can include diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, stomach ache, loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, mood changes, and hearing changes. 

Naltrexone and Vivitrol also cause side effects, namely dizziness, restlessness, nervousness, irritability, and body aches. 

Similar to this, Disulfiram can cause impotence, glossitis (swelled tongue), impotence, rashes, muscle weakness, tingling in limbs, and even seizures.

You see, you would not have any side effects to worry about if you were to acquire psychotherapies only. 

To put it differently, even though medications are frequently used to provide relief during alcoholism treatment, they might not be a clever choice for a few reasons. 

First of all, medication-assisted therapy, no matter how careful, can cause you to develop extreme side effects while undergoing treatment. 

While alcohol withdrawal makes you irritable and insomniac, the last thing you will need is medication-triggered restlessness, diarrhoea, and nausea, among a million other adverse effects. 

By opting for psychotherapies only, you can avoid the side effects that can be caused by medications. 

Secondly, psychotherapies address the cause of cravings. They analyse as to why your mind pushes you to consume alcohol. Medications, on the other hand, merely mask the cravings and the withdrawal symptoms. 

Weaning off these medications can cause a flare of cravings all of a sudden. 

Thirdly, psychotherapies investigate your thought process. They acknowledge your alcohol-consuming behaviours, while also picking out the root cause of alcohol addiction. 

Medications, as you would predict, obscure the cause of addiction and treat the addiction directly. 

Lastly, medications used for alcoholism treatment can cause extremely negative effects if they are used in combination with alcohol. In other words, a slight misstep towards relapse and you will be in for a rough ride. 

For instance, if Disulfiram (Antabuse) is taken with alcohol – which is likely to occur in the case of an alcohol addict – it can cause:

  • Flushing
  • Throbbing headache
  • Breathing problems
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Extreme dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) 

So, the key takeaway for you is that you should avoid medication-assisted treatment for alcohol for as long as possible. 

However, if your condition demands it, your chosen inpatient or outpatient alcohol addiction rehab will choose to administer the medications. 

But, in the end, remember that psychotherapies do not have side effects and their in-depth exploration of the cause of alcohol addiction can prevent relapses more efficiently than medications. 

To choose the right treatment program for alcohol addiction treatment, it is important for you to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment provided. 

While conducting research, make sure to find the answers to the following questions:

  • What are the credentials of the staff? Are the medical professionals trained enough?
  • Is the treatment program licensed? What is the success rate?
  • What types of therapies does the program offer? 
  • Is the treatment program for alcohol abuse help suitable for me? 
  • How long is the program? Can I manage to attend such a long program? 
  • Does the severity of my alcohol addiction complement the treatment program? 
  • Does the program provide dual diagnosis therapy? 
  • Does the program provide treatment for polysubstance abuse that may accompany alcohol abuse? 

The purpose of finding answers to the aforementioned questions is two-tiered. 

Firstly, it will help you analyse the effectiveness of the program and if it is suitable for you. Secondly, it will also aid you in realising if you require an inpatient alcoholism rehabilitation program or an outpatient alcohol rehab in the UK. 

Note: Ensure that the alcohol addiction rehab you choose has a well-qualified and well-trained staff. 

Alcohol addiction rehab should, undoubtedly, be your last stop after embracing and battling extreme, chronic alcohol addiction. 

Although an inpatient alcohol rehab will be the optimal choice, an outpatient alcohol rehab might suffice if your alcohol addiction lacks severity. 

Either way, outpatient alcohol rehab and an inpatient alcohol rehab will enable you to acquire alcohol therapy primarily through Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, Contingency Management, Motivational Interviewing, and Medication-Assisted Therapy. 

However, you must understand that every alcohol addiction case is different. The treatment plan for alcohol therapy at inpatient and outpatient alcohol rehabs will be tailored to fit your personal needs. 

Alternative treatments at luxury inpatient alcohol rehabs can include yoga, meditation, light therapy, and acupuncture.

You will be extremely glad to acknowledge that Balance Luxury Rehab happen to be the best rehab in the UK for alcohol addiction, dual diagnosis addiction treatment, and polysubstance abuse. 

The best alcohol rehab center in London, UK, is at your service. We believe in providing 5-star treatment and celebrity treatment to your loved ones. 

Our priorities and loyalties lie with you. Luxury treatment at our inpatient treatment facility is one call away. 

Contact us now and choose the best high-end treatment for your loved ones. 

As long as we are with you, alcoholism will not be the end of your life! 



The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


a successful and proven concept focusing on underlying causes


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