19 Minutes

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Drug addiction rehabs in the UK have one purpose: To unchain you from the drug addiction and drug abuse that not only controls your mind and body but also affects your built-in strength and willpower. 

Drug rehab centres in the UK have the power to encourage you and guide your steps onto a pathway that leads to complete redemption.

But, what does a rehabilitation centre do in the UK? How do therapies for drug rehab work? How can drugs rehabilitation help you build a life from scratch? 

If you are wandering around the territory of these queries, continue reading and find all about them! 

Substance abuse rehab facilities are drug rehab centers, purpose-built and staffed with medical professionals who specialize in modern rehab treatments and holistic practices. 

Overall, there are two types of drug recovery rehabs in the UK: Outpatient drug rehabs and inpatient drug rehabs. 

Although the structure of the treatment at both the rehab facilities differ drastically, drug addiction treatment at an inpatient or an outpatient drug rehab provides almost the same set of therapies for drug rehabilitation. 

The best drug rehab provides effective treatment. So, what is it that makes a drug rehabilitation program effective? 

We have three words for you: Accessibility, success, and quality. Drug recovery at a drug addiction rehab must promote a welcoming, honest, wholesome environment, whereby collaboration is prioritized rather than confrontation.

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The success rate of the best drug rehab also displays the effectiveness of substance abuse rehab centres and rehab drug treatment. It enunciates the professionalism and the abilities of the medical teams and the healthcare providers.

Lastly, a drug addiction rehab cannot be the best drug rehab unless the quality of the treatment at a rehabilitation program for drug addicts suffices. Each drug rehabilitation program must be personalized, well-developed, and thorough. 

Now, the question is, why does the UK need the best drug rehabilitation programs for treatment? 

“I lied, cheated and stole from clients, partners, family, and friends to fund my habit until eventually, I was a paranoid wreck sitting at home alone smoking crack,” said Linda, a drug addiction rehab member in the UK. 

Has drug addiction affected more people in the UK besides Linda? 

Let’s see. In 2019 only, during a survey conducted by Public Health England, 9.4% of the adults questioned during the survey implied that they were battling with illicit drug addictions. 

Note: Illicit drugs include marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine, heroin, inhalants, ketamine, etc. These are illegally purchased drugs. 

The ages of these individuals lied between 16 to 59

Yet another survey conducted by the NHS in the UK signified that 20.4% of the young adults, aged between 16 to 24, engaged in drug abuse with cocaine, marijuana, and/or heroin. 

You see, these statistics from the UK translate to depict that 3.4 million people in the UK are addicted to some form of drugs. 

This further shows that 1 in 11 adults require drug rehab centers in the UK for effective treatment. 

So, the need for rehab treatments in the UK is embedded deep within the essence of society. 

Substance abuse and rehabilitation are antonyms. However, if you fail to choose a drug addiction rehab at the right time, substance abuse and rehabilitation will become repetitive patterns

Before substance abuse and rehabilitation for drugs cast themselves into a vicious circle, you must opt for drug addiction rehab. 

There are a few possible signs that signify the importance of going to a drug rehab treatment facility. Attempting to observe these signs in your loved ones might demand incredible patience and emotional effort.

Understand that rehabilitation from drug abuse is not an easy quest. It is challenging and rough, but it is worth the effort. 

Codeine Addiction and Abuse UK

If you display the following warning signs, acknowledge the fact that it is high time for a drug rehab centre. 

Note: Do not attempt to stage an intervention unaided. Always opt for help from drug rehabilitation centres if you happen to observe the warning signs. 

  • You perform daily life activities while you are under the influence of the drug. For instance, driving the car, cooking a meal, attending a meeting, etc. 
  • You are experiencing physical health problems like arrhythmia, high blood pressure, etc. 
  • When your family and friends express their concern about your condition, you dismiss their concern without a second thought. 
  • Your mental health is deteriorating because of drug abuse.
  • Your financial assets are declining because you choose to spend piles of money on drug acquisition. 
  • Your academics and/or job is suffering because of drug abuse.
  • You experience withdrawal symptoms when you fail to acquire the drug. 

Depending upon the severity and duration of these symptoms, you can either opt for an outpatient drug addiction rehab or an inpatient drug addiction rehab.

Drug recovery in the UK is very much possible at an outpatient rehab centre for drug addiction treatment. 

As the name portrays, outpatient drug rehab is a rehab facility that can provide cost-effective treatment for substance abuse for the following drug classes:

  • Benzodiazepines (Ativan, Xanax, Valium, Librium, etc.)
  • Illicit Drugs (Cocaine, Inhalants, Marijuana, Heroin, etc.)
  • Opioids (Morphine, Oxycodone, etc.)
  • Sleeping pills (Lunesta, Ambien, Amytal, etc.)
  • Stimulants (Adderall, Concerta, Wellbutrin, etc.) 

Outpatient rehab addiction centres in the UK have certain pros and cons. 

Pros of an Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Rehab Centre in the UK

Firstly, because the client does not have to live at the outpatient drug addiction rehab facility, outpatient drug rehab centres tend to be more affordable

Why? Because living at the treatment facility requires more resources. When an outpatient drug addiction rehab centre in the UK does not have to invest in additional resources, the cost and expenses for the rehab facility decrease. 

For the same reason, the clients can visit the rehab centre for therapy sessions and can return to their homes. 

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The flexibility of the hours at an outpatient drug rehab enables clients to attend their school, college, jobs, etc., while also undergoing substance abuse rehab treatment. 

Yet another benefit of an outpatient drug rehabilitation centre is that it enables clients to engage with their families throughout the rehab treatment. The amount of support that they can acquire through this method cannot be expressed. 

Unfortunately, with these benefits arise significant challenges. 

Cons of an Outpatient Substance Abuse Rehab Centre in the UK

Firstly, because the client can visit the therapies for drug rehab during certain hours, only to return back home, there arises the possibility that the patient will be exposed to external triggers that can complement drug abuse. 

If the patient falls prey to those triggers, relapse will be mere inches away. So, although an outpatient drug rehab centre in the UK provides every chance for redemption, it still does not fully prevent relapses. 

Secondly, drug addicts require structured treatment. Why? Because the risk of relapse is immense. 

Because the drug addict rehabilitation program at an outpatient rehab treatment facility does not require clients to live in, it can be said that the treatment program is unstructured – or scarcely structured. 

Thirdly, outpatient treatment for drug addiction might not suffice in an extreme scenario. If the severity of the addiction is overwhelming, outpatient drug rehab will simply fail to provide enough incentive for abstinence. 

Furthermore, drug addicts are susceptible to mental health disorders. If a dually diagnosed client opts for an outpatient drug rehab centre for drug addicts, the treatment program will not be able to facilitate the client. 

Conditions to Opt for an Outpatient Rehab Centre for Drug Addiction

These downsides of outpatient drug rehab are important to consider. That is merely because these disadvantages make an outpatient drug rehab “conditionally ideal.” 

In other words, an outpatient drug rehabilitation centre in the UK will only be effective for you if:

  • Your drug addiction has lasted for less than 6 months. 
  • The severity of addiction does not overwhelm you. 
  • Your withdrawal symptoms are not extensive yet.
  • You can only afford an outpatient drug rehab. 
  • You cannot refuse to attend a school or your job. 

If you fulfil the aforementioned criteria, an outpatient drug rehab addiction centre will be structured enough for you! 

Outpatient Drug Rehab Facilities and Resources for Drug Treatment

An outpatient substance use disorder rehab centre provides several facilities to the clients. 

The only requirement is that the drug rehab treatment facilities must fulfil the therapeutic needs of the patients. 

The reason being? Well, making sure that the clients are presented with all the facilities ensures that the outcomes of treatment are robust. 

An outpatient rehab centre in the UK provides the following facilities:

  • Qualified medical professionals 
  • Well-trained nursing staff
  • Individual therapy 
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy

The individual, group, and family therapy can be conducted as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, 12-step facilitation, and/or Motivational Enhancement Therapy

Note: Depending upon the type of your substance abuse, an outpatient rehab addiction centre can last for 12 weeks.

An inpatient drug addiction rehab treatment program is the complete opposite of outpatient drug rehab.

An inpatient drug rehab provides rehabilitation programs for drug addicts by allowing them to live at the addiction rehab facility. By doing so, an inpatient drug rehab completely detaches the person from the external world and the triggers that aggravate the drug abuse. 

Inpatient addiction rehab facilities are conducive to healing from drug addiction since they provide a safe, peaceful, and nostalgic environment for the clients to feel “at home” during their rehabilitation treatment program. 

For every person, the experience of drug addiction varies. For this reason, it is the duty of an inpatient drug rehab to enable drug recovery by providing the patients with personalized treatment. 

Like an outpatient drug rehab, an inpatient addiction rehab facility also provides addiction treatment for stimulant drugs, opioids, illicit drugs, benzodiazepines, and sleeping aid. 

Even though each inpatient rehabilitation program for drug addicts is different, the approximate length of drug addiction rehab treatment at an inpatient program falls between 30-90 days

Now, in comparison with outpatient drug rehab, an inpatient drug rehab has a negligible amount of cons and a mysteriously large number of pros. 

In fact, the only downside of an inpatient rehabilitation program for drug addicts is that it eliminates the backup that your family and loved ones can grant you during your journey of recovery. 

Now, let’s take a look at the benefits of an inpatient drug rehab centre. 

Benefits and Facilities at an Inpatient Rehab for Drug Abusers

An inpatient drug rehab is like a private drug rehab centre where the attention and focus of the medical professionals stay adhered to your condition. 

Along with this, there are several benefits that are common for all inpatient drug rehab centres.

Firstly, an inpatient drug rehab provides complete medical withdrawal during the detoxification phase of the therapy for drug rehabilitation. 

Secondly, extensive focus on abstinence from the drug is maintained throughout the inpatient drug rehabilitation program. 

Thirdly, a regulated environment for the safety of the client at an inpatient drug rehab centre ensures that a homely surrounding is created. 

Fourthly, a personalized and regularly updated treatment plan is established to ensure that the progress of the patient is monitored thoroughly. 

Fifthly, well-trained professionals administer the therapies for drug rehabs. At an inpatient treatment program for drug addiction, you will be in great hands. 

Complete boycott from the triggers enables clients from giving in to their drug cravings, in spite of how overwhelming they feel.

In addition to this, intensive treatment at an inpatient drug rehab centre is ideal for extreme cases of drug abuse. If your loved ones happen to be suffering from massive drug addiction for over 6-12 months, an inpatient drug addiction rehab will enable them to make a full drug recovery.

An inpatient drug rehab centre also promotes the formulation of coping strategies and proactive techniques to prevent relapses once the patient is out of the residential treatment centre. This is how inpatient drug addiction rehab treatment ensures abstinence. 

Last but not the least, an inpatient drug addiction rehab maintains focus on digging deep into the drug addiction and the conditions that surround it. 

To put it differently, if your loved ones opt for an inpatient drug rehab centre, it is inevitable that the therapists will address the root cause of drug addiction. 

By doing so, the very seed of drug abuse and addiction can be plucked out with therapies for drug rehab. 

For the aforementioned reasons, it is safe for us to say that an inpatient drug rehab is a suitable choice for drug recovery. 

In fact, if your drug addiction happens to be severe and extensive, an inpatient drug rehab centre is the ONLY choice. 

If you are seeking the benefits, facilities and resources mentioned prior, we are happy to inform you that you are in the right place. We are an inpatient treatment centre, providing luxury treatment and high-end treatment to your loved ones. 

We specialize in providing holistic and modern therapies for drug addiction and the possible mental health afflictions that can arise because of addiction. 

Being the best luxury treatment centre in the UK, our medical professionals can help you pave your way towards a better lifestyle. 

A luxury drug rehab centre has one function: To improve the outcomes of the inpatient treatment by increasing the number and quality of facilities and resources provided to the clients. 

By doing so, the client develops a sense of familiarity with the environment provided at a private drug rehab centre. 

Luxury addiction rehab facilities tend to promote a sense of peace. The serenity and privacy in the surrounding of a luxury drug rehab centre improve the ability of the client to withdraw and detox from the drug without any distractions. 

Unlike a traditional facility, a luxury drug rehab centre provides several options for high-end treatment

In other words, the quality, structure, and depth of treatment at a luxury inpatient drug rehab centre is a lot more focused and sophisticated. 

Where every client has a private villa, further drug rehab facilities and amenities at a luxury inpatient program include:

  • Absolute privacy
  • Private chef
  • Driver
  • Individual housekeeping
  • A big garden
  • A pool for recreational facilities

Besides Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, Motivational Enhancement Therapy, and Psychoeducational groups, other therapeutic approaches at an inpatient luxury drug rehab centre in the UK can include:

  • Art and Music Therapy
  • Equine Therapy
  • Animal-assisted Therapy
  • Yoga 
  • Massage Therapy
  • Acupuncture

Avail all the aforementioned amenities and therapies at our luxury treatment facility for inpatient drug addiction rehab for your loved ones. 

Inpatient and outpatient rehab for drug abusers provides therapeutic treatments with the assistance of:

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) 
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)
  • Contingency Management (CM) 
  • Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) 
  • Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) 

Note: The list of aforementioned therapies for drug rehab is not exhaustive. 

There are other forms of therapies that a psychologist can select on the basis of your addiction and the possible mental health conditions that accompany it. 

However, these are the therapies that are most commonly used in all or most cases. Let’s dive in and explore them briefly. 

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) at a Rehab Treatment Facility

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is the most frequently used and the foremost approach used by medical professionals at outpatient and inpatient drug rehabs. 

Why? Merely because the domain of this therapy circulates around the acceptance of drug addiction and the commitment of the client towards rectification.

The three areas of focus for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy include:

  1. Accepting reactions of drug addiction
  2. Picking a suitable direction
  3. Taking an action to improve the condition

Before a drug addict is motivated to make a change, it is important for the client to adhere to the idea of change and why exactly a change is so necessary. 

For that reason, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy enables a therapist to observe the traits, character, personality, and inclination of the client towards improving his/her condition. 

ACT encourages mindfulness. It improves the client’s ability to absorb the alterations in life that will follow once drug addiction has been treated. 

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) at a Drug Rehabilitation Program in the UK

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is an effective, evidence-based approach used worldwide. Its use in outpatient drug rehabs and inpatient drug rehabs in the UK is fairly common. 

It is a form of talk therapy with a number of adaptations to counter different types of drug addictions. 

A drug addict rehabilitation program will include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in the drug rehab treatment plan for the following reasons:

  • It investigates the negative attitude of the client and identifies the root cause of addiction.
  • It enables the client to recognize the self-destructive and demeaning thought patterns. 
  • It inclines the clients towards the possibility of replacing the toxic thought patterns.
  • It promotes the active well-being of the client by establishing coping strategies for the client to prevent relapses. 

The outcome? Simply speaking, CBT enables drug addicts to receive rehab drug treatment to stay abstinent. 

From a psychological perspective, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy works because positive thoughts enunciate positive behaviours. 

Note: When CBT is conducted as group therapy, it is called Psychoeducational Therapy. 

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) for Drug Rehab Treatment

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy is an adaptation of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. So, as you’d predict, it works in the same manner. 

However, the use of Dialectical Behavioural Therapy extends forward. Initially, DBT was used as a talk therapy to treat Borderline Personality Disorder. 

Nonetheless, experts in the UK realised that DBT can also be productively used for treating drug addictions at outpatient and inpatient drug rehabs. 

The only condition is that these drug addictions must exist in comorbidity with mental health conditions. 

So a drug addiction rehab treatment plan will most probably include Dialectical Behavioural Therapy if a client is dually diagnosed. 

Note: Dual Diagnosis or comorbidity refers to the situation whereby a client suffers from substance abuse, as well as a mental health condition. 

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy forms a passageway for the client to traverse from acceptance to recognition, and then to redemption. 

Overall, DBT can help you address the negative emotions and thoughts that fuel drug abuse. 

Contingency Management (CM) at Rehabilitation Programs for Drug Addicts

Before we proceed, keep in mind that Contingency Management is more useful for outpatient drug addiction rehabs, rather than inpatient drug addiction rehabs. 

Contingency Management is a reward-based, evidence-based therapy that triggers the reward mechanism of the brain and pushes the clients to behave in a certain way. 

For instance, during Contingency Management your drug rehab centre psychologist will put forth an objective. The objective can be to merely abstain from drug abuse. 

If you manage to abstain from drug abuse, you will be rewarded for that behaviour.

Outpatient addiction rehab facilities use this form of therapy for the drug addicts to extrinsically motivate them to prevent relapses. 

After achieving the rewards and abstaining from the drug, patients at a rehab centre for drug addiction attain the same satisfaction that a drug would provide in an alternate scenario. 

Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) at Rehab for Drug Abusers

Unlike Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a talking therapy, Motivational Enhancement Therapy in the UK is used as a counselling approach. 

The first step during Motivational Enhancement Therapy is to educate the patient about the possible destructive effects of continuing drug abuse. 

The patient becomes familiar with the health hazards, the mental health afflictions, and the personal issues that can arise if drugs are not quitted. 

In this way, the patient develops awareness. This awareness tends to contradict the ambivalence about quitting drugs. 

Once the patient is intrinsically motivated to bring a change in behaviour, it is easy to quit drugs and prevent relapses. 

In a nutshell, Motivational Enhancement Therapy takes a collaborative approach instead of a confrontational one. It encourages the patient to initiate a change.

In other words, the entire time, the patients will believe that the decision to change and quit drugs was a product of their own willpower. 

Note: When used with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Motivational Enhancement Therapy can provide even better outcomes. 

Interpersonal Therapy for Outpatient and Inpatient Rehab Drug Treatment

Interpersonal Therapy works by identifying the dynamics between the patient and his/her family members and peers. 

Oftentimes, family dynamics and friends’ relationships can function as triggers. By realizing the drug abuse-promoting characteristics, the therapist can collaboratively address the triggers. 

All in all, Interpersonal Therapy can:

  • Recognize interpersonal deficits
  • Address unresolved grief
  • Assist in hard life changes and decisions
  • Tackle interpersonal dynamics
  • Realize interpersonal triggers

In the process of doing so, the client can be educated about how the triggers can affect them and what they can do to manage the triggers and prevent relapses. 

Choosing a Drug Rehab Centre in the UK 

Before choosing a drug rehab centre in the UK, there are a few questions that must be addressed. 

These questions can help you assess whether you require an inpatient drug rehab or an outpatient drug rehab:

  • What is the cost of the rehab treatment facility? Can I afford it? 
  • Can the program treat comorbid disorders? Do I even need that kind of treatment? 
  • How professional is the staff? What are the credentials of the staff members?
  • Does the rehab treatment facility provide personalized and structured treatment?
  • How severe is my addiction?
  • For how long have I been addicted to the drug?
  • What types of therapies for drug rehab do they offer?

Even after addressing the aforementioned questions, it might be complicated to select an outpatient or an inpatient drug rehab centre. 

However, you must ensure that the severity and extent of your drug addiction complement the structure of the treatment. 

Long story short, drug addiction rehab in the UK is possibly your only way out if you are the one in 11 people suffering from drug addiction in the UK. 

Outpatient drug rehab can improve your condition and provide an opportunity for you to prevent relapses if, and only if, your addiction is not severe and has not lasted for the past few years. 

Even though there are pros of opting for an outpatient addiction rehab centre, the cons outweigh them. 

For this reason, an inpatient drug addiction rehab must be your priority if your addiction has tortured you for over 12 months and if the severity of your addiction is quite strong. 

Therapies for drug rehab provided at outpatient rehabs and inpatient drug rehabs can help you overcome the distressing thoughts that overpower your behaviour. 

Gladly, we happen to be the best inpatient treatment and luxury treatment centre for addictions and any mental health conditions that can possibly accompany drug abuse. 

Our 5-star treatment plan and celebrity treatment facilities can provide you with an exquisite opportunity to rid yourself of drug addiction. 

Our drug addiction inpatient rehab is the best possible option for you if you are seeking high-end treatment for your loved ones. 

Ring us up and pave your own path towards complete abstinence with the assistance of our qualified team, therapeutic treatments, and holistic therapies. 



The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


a successful and proven concept focusing on underlying causes


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