9 Minutes
Just like people develop an addiction to alcohol and drugs, they can also become addicted to food. Food addiction is a real behavioural disorder characterised by overconsumption of food due to a higher chemical dependency on palatable foods. Because it is one of the lesser-known types of addictions, people suffering from it are falsely labelled as lacking control and self-discipline. However, in reality, people with food addiction are at no fault of their own as this addiction is attributed to the way certain food items activate the reward system and pleasure in the brain, similar to the effects of drugs.
The nature of food addiction can force the afflicted to compulsively overindulge in food consumption and lose control over how much they eat, which is followed by feelings of shame, depression, and self-hatred. Unfortunately, most cultures across the world do not make it any easier for these people as they are called lazy, overindulgent and lacking willpower. The stigma and shame associated with the condition can make seeking treatment impossible and embarrassing. However, many addiction treatment centres now offer specialised programs to deal with food addiction in a non-judgmental and private environment.
a successful and proven concept focusing on underlying causesBehavioural TREATMENT LASTING APPROACH
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Behavioural Insights
latest news & research on BehaviouralHow to Stop a Shopping Addiction
If you or someone around you is suffering from this behavioural issue, remember that help with shopping addiction is readily available. Multiple rehab centres deal exclusively with this type of addiction
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