
9 Minutes

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A substance use disorder or addiction refers to a medical illness characterised by clinically significant impairments in social function, health, and control over substance use. These disorders differ in duration, complexity, and severity from mild to severe. The good news is that a spectrum of different services and strategies are available in the UK for identifying, treating, and managing substance addiction.

Research suggests that the most effective way to support someone with an addiction or at risk of developing it is by intervening early before the issue progresses. With early diagnosis, the provision of treatment, including behavioural therapy, evidence-based medications, and other supportive services, becomes more straightforward.

The type of treatment modalities and therapies available for addiction management varies, depending on the kind of rehab you choose. The government-funded facilities usually have limited funds and provide a narrow variety of treatments. On the other hand, a privately working rehabilitation centre offers a wide range of options, from evidence-based medical therapies to holistic interventions and medications to deliver comprehensive care.

An overview of the types of addiction treatment offered in the addiction rehab UK is given below:

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

ACT is a type of psychological intervention that takes place in the form of a counselling session. The aim is to encourage patients to open up to their unpleasant experiences, memories, and feelings and learn how to react to them sensibly. Accomplishing this helps them deal with all negative factors of life without taking solace in addiction.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT includes a dialogue between the patient and their therapist that focuses on changing the negative beliefs, thought processes, and behaviours for better emotional regulation. Therapists work alongside patients to identify their own cognitive distortions and devise strategies to manage them.


The term “counselling” covers many activities but fundamentally refers to the delivery of support and advice to patients by counsellors. The sessions involve one-on-one or group settings where the counsellors provide their opinions and viewpoints on what patients should do to address their problems. These counsellors may collaborate with other professionals to broaden the scope of these sessions and support recovery.

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a type of cognitive behavioural therapy that combines the typical techniques of CBT with concepts such as mindfulness, acceptance, and distress tolerance. The therapy requires the patient to accept their therapist as an ally in managing their psychological issues and addictive behaviours. Meanwhile, the therapist’s job is to validate the patient’s emotions while helping them understand how some behaviours might be negative and harmful.

Family Therapy

Also known as family and systemic psychotherapy, this intervention enables family members and other people sharing close bonds with the patient to work together towards recovery. It allows them to appreciate each other’s desires and needs, understand experiences, and collaborate to change their relationships when necessary.

Holistic Therapy

Holistic therapy considers the entirety of a person: their spirit, body, and mind, and aims to correct the balance of each element. It works on the principle that if one part of a person does not work correctly, other parts may take a hit. Hence, all of them need to be treated simultaneously for overall well-being. Holistic therapies typically include activities like:

  • Acupuncture
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Reiki
  • Massage
  • Aromatherapy
  • Yoga

Twelve-step Programmes

Several popular self-help organisations in the UK offer a 12-step programme for better recovery and support. Two of these organisations working for addiction include Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.


Also known as detox, this treatment aims to help addicts stop taking the substance daily. The purpose of the process is to cleanse your body of all offending drugs, including alcohol and drugs like opioids, heroin, cocaine etc. Detox takes place in supervised facilities under medical care to minimise the withdrawal symptoms and make the process as comfortable as possible.

Medication-Assisted Therapy

This type of therapy combines behavioural and other interventional therapies with medications to support recovery. For example, Disulfiram may be prescribed to make alcohol withdrawal more tolerable.

Taking the leap to find support is a huge accomplishment in itself for anyone with an underlying addiction problem. While the road to recovery has its ups and downs, the benefits of getting addiction treatment certainly outweigh any of these issues. Irrespective of the type of rehab and therapies it entails, addiction treatment can provide you with the following benefits:


People with substance use disorder often complain of a lack of support systems to rely on. Enrollment in a treatment plan can help them find people in similar situations as well as professionals they can trust and rely on for support.

Addiction Education

Most types of treatments and therapies for addiction provide clients with a chance to learn valuable information about this problem. These programmes mainly cover the following:

  • What substance addiction is
  • How and why addiction occurs
  • Warning signs of addiction
  • Details on how drugs and alcohol affect the brain and body
  • The effects of addiction on physical and mental health, relationships, and careers
  • How to be supportive to a loved one going through addiction detox and rehabilitation

These programmes also extend to family members of the addicts to help them support their loved ones in recovery.

An Understanding of Triggers

Skilled counsellors and experienced therapists can help addicts dig into their reasons for choosing alcohol and drugs and how it has affected their lives so far. This initiates recovery from within by identifying and removing potential triggers for long-term recovery and a low risk of relapse.

Healthy Habits

An essential part of drug addiction treatment is learning new habits and coping methods that align well with the new, addiction-free lifestyle. These healthy habits prolong their recovery and increase the post-treatment quality of life.

Mending Personal Relationships

Counselling and family therapy can help patients learn how to heal personal relationships that dwindled due to their addictive behaviours.

If you are suffering from an addiction and require professional help, only you can take the first step towards recovery. All it takes is an acknowledgement of the issue and reaching out for help.

Remember that professional help is available for those willing to seek it. A good many facilities, both NHS-funded and private, are now providing addiction treatment across the UK with different therapies and levels of care. Do not allow addiction to take away any more of your life. Get in contact with an addiction specialist or GP today to discuss the available treatment options.



The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


a successful and proven concept focusing on underlying causes


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