
8 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Anyone who has struggled with an addiction is likely to be aware of how difficult it can be to beat such an illness, especially when no professional help is available. While some people successfully manage to kick these habits out of their lives for good, these lucky folks are in the minority as the majority is still stuck in the struggling phase. Because of the very nature of addiction, the affected person has this constant need to satisfy an urge which leads to a loss of control over their actions. Those who somehow manage to hold onto some control and continue with their attempt to quit are faced with unpleasant withdrawal symptoms that subside only when they restart abusing drugs or alcohol, a primary reason why so many people go back to drug use while still in recovery.

A generally accepted rule is that those who wish to break the cycle and overcome their destructive habits need appropriate addiction counselling to tackle the underlying issues and behaviour. Only then can a person consider moving on and learn to live a life free from alcohol and drugs.

Different types of theories and definitions have been proposed regarding addiction. While some focus on physical experience, others emphasise its psychological effects. Similarly, some experts explain it using a medical model, while others define it as a cultural and social issue. In general, addiction refers to any behaviour that:

  • Is repetitive, persistent, and dominating
  • Brings serious negative outcomes, but the victim still carries on
  • Has a qualify of compulsion where the individual does not feel like they have a choice
  • Involves psychological or physical dependence and may bring about significant psychological or physical stress upon stopping the behaviour
  • Includes an element of denial of the negative consequences, both to self as well as to others

The world has experienced a devastating rise in fatalities due to drug and alcohol overdose in recent years. Nevertheless, the stigma attached to addiction remains pervasive and persistent, rooted in the belief that these addictions are personal choices that reflect moral failing and a lack of willpower. Hence, many people never seek the help they need and continue to live as it is instead of looking for addiction counselling therapy.

The word ‘counselling’ is an umbrella term used to describe different types of therapy that are effectively included in a comprehensive recovery programme. The choice of these therapies depends on your addiction counsellor and the rehab provider who will assess your personal circumstances and current situation to decide on the best counselling therapies to include in your personally-tailored treatment plan. Irrespective of the therapies included in counselling sessions, all work to achieve the same aim: to get to the root of the addictive behaviour and change the negative processes and thoughts holding you in the strong grip of addiction until now.

In addition to the regular detoxification programmes that are commonly offered by addiction rehabs, counselling serves as another vital component of the addiction program and is commenced as soon as the initial detox is concluded. In this aspect, both individual as well as group counselling, are used to deal with the root cause or problems or even help with the withdrawal symptoms. These counselling sessions will help you realise that merely talking about things can help you get better.

Counselling is a regular part of treatment and must be offered to each client to give them the best shot at beating addictions. Consider it as an investment in money and time for recovering addicts, and in most cases, the outcome is well worth it.

It is often the case that friends and family members are able to see the problem long before the addict can. This is most likely because addicts are often in denial about their issues. Denial is a natural defence mechanism of the brain that protects an individual from an unpleasant reality. For addicts, the same phenomenon hides the truth of what lies before them. They may also fear addiction recovery and have scary thoughts about sober life. Instead of working on resolving the issue, these people find it much easier to simply deny the existence of the problem.

Regrettably, many drug addicts who even enter rehabilitation still practice denial, and this denial is one of the largest barriers to their recovery. Proper addiction counselling can help addicts see their situation the way it really is and break down the barrier of denial. For this purpose, motivational interviewing is often added to the counselling sessions as a non-confrontational and supportive therapy to increase the patient’s motivation to accept the issue and seek help.

Substance abuse counsellors are the best support system for people recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. By forming relationships with their clients built on trust, these experts provide support, guidance, and the necessary resources for patients to utilise for recovery.  They can not only provide help with emergency crisis management but also assist in managing long-term addiction issues as well.

Another important role of these counsellors in the journey of drug addiction recovery is the provision of necessary tools that clients can use to avoid relapses in the future. For this purpose, they may work closely with the patients to plan a comprehensive relapse prevention plan tailored to each client according to their requirements. Lastly, the drug addiction counsellors also serve as a bridge between the addicts and their families and help them form strong bonds that only speed up recovery.

Addiction rehabilitation is easily available and hugely beneficial for most addicts but can only work if the patient is ready to accept it and make necessary changes to their life. Many addicts enter rehab to fight addiction only because they have been railroaded by their family and friends but do not understand the importance of their intention to change.

For such people, addiction counselling can provide the support and help needed to go through the rehabilitation process. These one-on-one and group sessions with trained therapists allow the addicts to take charge of their life and induce the necessary changes for a new, better, and addiction-free life.

Addiction counsellors can provide recovering addicts with the right guidance through the process and help them identify the cause of illness. Additionally, they are also responsible for helping these addicts learn how to live a life of sobriety completely independently without any help.

However, it is crucial to understand that honesty is extremely vital to reap the benefits of addiction counselling. The patients must be completely open and honest with their counsellors to have the biggest chance of succeeding. Fortunately, a good addiction counsellor is trained to know how to accomplish this by giving the patients a chance to open up and confront the issues.

It’s finally time to get up and take charge of your life by breaking free from addiction. Book your first addiction counselling session today to get started.



The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


a successful and proven concept focusing on underlying causes


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