9 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Anger is a natural human emotion that can arise in response to a variety of stimuli, including frustration, injustice, or perceived threats. However, when anger is not managed properly, it can lead to destructive behaviours that harm both the individual and those around them. 

Anger management is the process of identifying and controlling one’s anger to prevent negative consequences. There are a variety of techniques that can be used to manage anger, ranging from cognitive-behavioural therapy to mindfulness meditation.

Research has shown that chronic anger can have negative effects on both physical and mental health. It has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and depression. In addition, individuals with anger issues may struggle in their personal and professional relationships, experiencing higher levels of conflict and lower levels of satisfaction.

Anger Management techniques

Overall, anger management is an important skill that can improve the quality of life for those struggling with anger issues. By learning to identify and manage their emotions, individuals can prevent negative consequences and cultivate healthier relationships with those around them.

Anger is a natural human emotion that we all experience from time to time. But what exactly is anger, and what causes it? Here we’ll explore the mechanisms, types, common causes, and risk factors for anger.

Mechanisms of Anger

Anger is a complex emotion involving various physiological and psychological responses [1]. When we feel angry, our bodies release adrenaline and other stress hormones, which can increase heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration. This is known as the fight-or-flight response and is our body’s way of preparing us for a perceived threat.

Psychologically, anger can be triggered by a variety of factors, including frustration, perceived injustice, or feeling threatened or powerless. Our thoughts and beliefs also play a role in how we interpret and respond to situations that may lead to anger.

Types of Anger

There are different types of anger that we may experience, ranging from mild irritation to explosive rage. Some common types of anger include:

Passive-aggressive anger: This type of anger is characterised by indirect or passive behaviours, such as ignoring someone or giving them silent treatment.

Chronic anger: Individuals who experience chronic anger may be constantly irritable, easily frustrated, and quick to lash out in anger.

Explosive anger: This type of anger is characterised by sudden outbursts of rage, which can be frightening or even dangerous.

Self-righteous anger: This type of anger is often triggered by a sense of moral superiority and can involve criticizing or belittling others.

Common Causes of Anger

There are many situations or events that can trigger anger, including:

  • Feeling disrespected or belittled
  • Being frustrated by a situation or circumstance
  • Feeling powerless or out of control
  • Facing a perceived injustice
  • Being hurt or betrayed by someone we trust

Risk Factors for Anger

Certain factors can increase a person’s likelihood of experiencing anger, including:

  • A history of trauma or abuse
  • A family history of anger issues
  • Certain mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety
  • Substance abuse or addiction
  • Chronic stress or poor coping skills

Anger management is the process of learning how to regulate and control anger issues so that it doesn’t negatively impact oneself or others [1]. It involves developing skills and strategies to recognise and manage anger’s physical, emotional, and behavioural aspects.

Anger management is essential for living a healthy life. Uncontrolled anger can lead to a variety of negative outcomes, including strained relationships, physical health problems, and legal or financial troubles. Individuals who struggle with anger may experience increased stress, anxiety, and depression, which can affect their overall quality of life.

Effective anger management allows individuals to learn how to identify triggers and warning signs of anger and develop strategies to cope with those triggers in a healthy way [2]. By learning how to manage their anger, individuals can reduce its negative impact on their lives and relationships. They can also improve their ability to communicate effectively and resolve conflicts peacefully.

Anger management can be especially important for individuals who have a history of trauma, abuse, or other mental health issues. It can help them process and cope with their emotions healthily, reducing the risk of developing more serious mental health problems.

Anger management exercises help you develop skills to control your anger [1][2]. These exercises are designed to help individuals become more aware of their anger triggers, manage their emotional and physical responses, and communicate more effectively.

Deep Breathing

One effective anger management exercise is deep breathing. When individuals start to feel angry, they can take a few deep breaths to help calm their emotions and slow down their physical responses. Deep breathing involves inhaling slowly through the nose and exhaling slowly through the mouth. This exercise can help individuals to feel more relaxed and in control of their emotions [3][4].

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Another exercise that can help manage anger is progressive muscle relaxation. This technique involves tensing and releasing different muscle groups in the body to reduce physical tension and promote relaxation [5]. By doing this exercise, individuals can become more aware of their body’s physical responses to stress and learn to release tension healthily.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is another helpful exercise for managing anger. This involves focusing on the present moment and being aware of one’s thoughts and feelings without judgment. By practising mindfulness, individuals can learn to recognise when they are becoming angry and take steps to prevent a full-blown anger episode [5].

Visual Imagery

Visual imagery is another technique that can help manage anger. This technique involves imagining oneself in a calming or pleasant environment, such as a peaceful beach or forest, to promote relaxation and reduce feelings of anger [6]. By visualizing a peaceful environment, individuals can help to shift their emotional state away from anger and towards calmness.

Physical Exercise

Physical exercise is another effective way to manage anger. Exercise releases endorphins, which can help individuals feel more relaxed and calm. Engaging in regular exercise can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can contribute to feelings of anger [6].


Writing in a journal can also be a helpful anger management exercise. This involves writing down one’s thoughts and feelings about a particular situation or event that has caused anger. By putting thoughts and emotions down on paper, individuals can gain a clearer perspective on the situation and develop strategies for managing their emotions in the future [7].

Anger management therapies are essential for those who struggle with controlling their anger. Various types of anger management therapies can help individuals learn how to regulate their emotions and healthily manage their anger. Here are some specific anger management therapies to deal with anger.

Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT)

CBT is a form of talk therapy that helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns that contribute to their anger. It also teaches individuals how to respond to situations that trigger their anger more positively and productively [1].

Relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation can help reduce stress and manage anger. These techniques can help individuals calm their minds and bodies, which can reduce the likelihood of an angry outburst [2].

Anger management group therapy

Group therapy provides individuals with a safe and supportive environment where they can learn and practice anger management skills with others who are going through similar struggles. Group therapy can also provide individuals with a sense of community and belonging, which can help reduce feelings of isolation and anger [4].

Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)

MBSR is a type of therapy that focuses on increasing awareness and acceptance of the present moment. This can help individuals become more aware of their emotions and learn how to regulate them in a healthy way [7].

Anger management classes

Anger management help is available through classes that can be beneficial for individuals who need structure and guidance in learning anger management skills. These classes provide education and practical tools, strategies and techniques for managing anger [5].

Change Your Environment

Sometimes the environment we’re in can trigger anger. If you’re in a place where you’re feeling tense or angry, try to remove yourself from that environment. Take a walk or find a quiet space to calm down. Changing the environment can help change your mood.

Look at Your Needs

When you’re angry, it can be helpful to look at the needs that aren’t being met. What is it that’s making you angry? What need do you have that’s not being fulfilled? This can help you gain insight into why you’re feeling angry and find ways to meet those needs.

Cognitive Restructuring

This involves identifying and changing the negative thought patterns that contribute to anger. By changing how you think about a situation, you can change how you feel about it. This technique can help you feel less angry and more in control of your emotions [5].


Sometimes anger arises from situations that need to be resolved. Using problem-solving skills can help you find solutions to the issues that are causing your anger. This can involve identifying the problem, brainstorming solutions, and trying out different strategies until you find what works best.

Radical Acceptance

This involves accepting things that you cannot change. When you’re angry, it can be easy to get caught up in a cycle of frustration and resentment. Radical acceptance means acknowledging the situation as it is and letting go of the need to change it. This can help reduce feelings of anger and helplessness [7].

Anger can lead to destructive behaviour, health problems, and strained relationships when is not managed properly. Here are 8 ways to overcome anger that can help you healthily manage your emotions.

Identify triggers 

The first step in overcoming anger is to identify what triggers it. Try to recognise the situations or people that make you angry and note them down. This will help you to avoid these triggers or prepare for them in advance [2].

Get enough sleep 

Lack of sleep can contribute to feelings of irritability and anger. Make sure you are getting enough sleep to help regulate your emotions [6].

Communicate assertively 

Assertive communication involves expressing your feelings and needs clearly and respectfully, without blaming or attacking others. It can be a helpful way to express your anger without escalating the situation. Additionally, assertive communication can help you to understand the other person’s perspective and find a solution to the problem [3].

Use humor 

Humour can be a powerful tool in diffusing anger. When you feel angry, try to find something funny about the situation or make a joke about it. This can help shift your focus away from negative feelings and lighten the mood [7].

Practice Gratitude

Practising gratitude can help you focus on the positive aspects of your life and reduce feelings of anger and frustration. Take time each day to think about the things you’re grateful for, whether it’s a loving relationship or a beautiful sunset

Use positive self-talk 

Reframe negative thoughts and self-talk into more positive and constructive messages [3]. It helps you identify and challenge irrational or negative thoughts that can lead to anger and replace them with more realistic and positive ones, leading to better coping and problem-solving abilities.

Take a time-out 

When you feel angry, it can be helpful to take a time-out to cool down. This can involve walking away from the situation, going for a walk, or engaging in a relaxing activity. Taking a break can help you gain perspective on the situation and reduce the intensity of your anger [2].

Seek support 

Seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional can be an important step in overcoming anger. They can provide you with a different perspective on the situation, offer emotional support, and help you develop effective coping strategies [1].

1. American Psychological Association. Control anger before it controls you.

2. Mayo Clinic. Anger management: 10 tips to tame your temper.

3. Very Well Mind. 11 Anger Management Strategies to Help You Calm Down.

4. Web MD. Anger Management.

5. Help Guide. Anger Management.

6. Healthline. How to Control Anger: 25 Tips to Help You Stay Calm.

7. Positive Psychology. Your Anger Management Guide: Best Techniques & Exercises.


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