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Dual diagnosis treatment is a therapeutic approach to treat mental health conditions that co-occur with drug addictions. As per Public Health England, alcohol is the real culprit behind several cases of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and antisocial personality disorder. Whether it is drug addiction or chronic alcoholism, co-occurring disorders are extremely common in the UK. 

The awareness about dual diagnosis treatment, however, is not so widespread in the UK. For that exact reason, the ultimate goal of dual diagnosis treatment is to diagnose the co-occurring disorders and provide the treatment on the basis of their types. There must be a million queries running across your mind. “What is dual diagnosis treatment? How many dual diagnosis treatment models are out there? Which treatment model is the best for our loved ones?” So on and so forth. 

As the name depicts, dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorders is the point in a person’s life, whereby drug addiction and mental health deterioration become close companions. 

In the process of treating co-occurring disorders, the first step is to diagnose the type of chemical addiction and the form of mental health illness. 

However, the hardest aspect of dual diagnosis treatment is to juggle the question of which disorder was the first to arise. 

For this reason, the main step in the process of treating dual diagnosis is detoxification. 

Read Also: Luxury Private Alcohol Addiction Rehab

After detoxification, if the mental health illness persists, it can be formulated that the drug addiction was a mere consequence of it. 

In such a scenario, the next step is to merely conduct therapies to cope up with the mental health condition and to find a long-term treatment for it. 

However, if the detox results in the rectification of the mental health illness, ostensibly, drug addiction is concluded to be the cause rather than a consequence. 

Sadly, and unfortunately, treating dual diagnosis is not so simple. It requires immense time investment and effort on the part of the dual diagnosis psychiatrist, as well as the dually diagnosed client. 

So, for this particular reason, the effectiveness of a dual diagnosis treatment model is tremendously crucial for you. Let’s explore this further. 

Note: Dual diagnosis codes are used by inpatient and outpatient dual diagnosis treatment facilities in the UK to signify the type of mental health disorder and the Substance Use Disorder with a combination of letters and numbers. 

An effective dual diagnosis treatment model has the following characteristics:

  1. Integrated care: This implies that a dually diagnosed client must receive dual treatment for the substance abuse and the mental health condition simultaneously, instead of one course of treatment at one time. 
  2. Collaboration: The purpose of this characteristic is to ensure that the treatment you are receiving has been agreed upon by a team of healthcare providers. 
  3. Comprehension: The dual diagnosis treatment plan must be comprehensive. It should be personalized and it must fit every single need that you can possibly have. 

If the dual diagnosis treatment plan is effective for a dually diagnosed client, the potential hurdles in treating dual diagnosis can be overcome. 

Firstly, for instance, when the healthcare providers agree upon a dual diagnosis treatment plan, they are less likely to develop mixed feelings about the dually diagnosed client. 

Putting it differently, an effective system of dual diagnosis programs for treatment will ensure that the healthcare providers do not jump to conclusions about the prognosis of the condition of your loved ones. 

Secondly, when a dual diagnosis treatment program provides integrated care, the dual diagnosis treatment plans will not negate one another. Complete attention can be given to the dually diagnosed substance abuse and the mental health disorder. 

Now, is there anything that an effective treatment model for dual diagnosis cannot solve? Unfortunately, yes.

The effectiveness of a dual diagnosis treatment model will never be able to change the willpower and willingness of the dually diagnosed clients. 

Generally speaking, a uniform theme is observed in all dually diagnosed clients – the theme of complete denial. 

It is highly unlikely for dually diagnosed patients to admit that they are suffering from two conditions that require immediate treatment. It can be due to shame, fear, or a mere inability to grasp the concept of destroying your own life. 

However, with the right dual diagnosis treatment program, acceptance will follow. 

Remember: Thousands of people in the UK tend to suffer from co-occurring disorders. You are not alone. One step in the right direction and your entire path towards recovery will open up on its own. 

When asked about his dual diagnosis, Dominic from Luton, UK, said, “Some of the worst symptoms included voices in the night, a constant dread of death, suicidal thoughts and intense mood swings.”

Turns out that Dominic was suffering from psychosis because of his Marijuana addiction. But, is he the only one in the UK experiencing mental health disorders due to substance abuse and vice versa? Obviously not. 

In fact, Dominic represents a negligible part of 35% of the UK’s comorbid population. 

Note: Comorbidity is yet another expression for co-occurring disorders and dual diagnosis disorders. 

The UK houses thousands of individuals with dual diagnoses. Among them, the most common co-occurring disorders are:

  • Marijuana addiction and psychosis.
  • Alcohol addiction and depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and antisocial personality disorder. 
  • Methamphetamine addiction and delusions. 
  • Antidepressants addiction and PTSD.
  • Sleeping aids addiction and memory impairment. 

Furthermore, in the UK, it is estimated that one-third of patients in mental health treatment centres are also patients of drug addictions. 

Simultaneously, more than half of patients in drug rehabilitation centres in the UK tend to suffer from mental illnesses. 

Related: Best Luxury Inpatient Drug Rehab UK

A study from the UK investigated the prevalence of dual diagnosis in prisoners. The results provided by the Office of National Statistics proved that 10% of male prisoners were moderately dependent and suffered from one mental health condition. 

On the other hand, 40% of the prisoners suffered from extreme cases of drug addiction with two mental health disorders. 

Yet another study from the UK indicated that 70% of drug abusers and 86% of alcoholics suffer from mental health conditions. 

As recorded by Public Health England, 54% of drug abusers from different regions of England develop suicidal tendencies due to depression. 

Dual diagnosis statistics from the UK are indicative of two things: 

  1. Dual diagnosis is extremely prevalent in the UK. 
  2. The awareness about dual diagnosis treatment, as represented by the dual diagnosis statistics, is pretty limited. 

The fact that 19-25% of alcoholics who are admitted to inpatient rehabilitation centres in the UK each year suffer from behavioural and mood disorders is evidence enough that the UK – as a whole – is shackled by dual diagnosis. 

Additional to this, a study conducted in Manchester, UK, obtained dual diagnosis statistics concerning the number of dually diagnosed clients across different treatment facilities. The results? 

  • Outpatient treatment centres for mental health disorders had 71% cases of dual diagnosis. 
  • Outpatient rehabs for substance abuse had 59% cases of dual diagnosis disorders. 
  • Psychiatric inpatient wards had 56% cases of comorbid disorders. 

To answer your question, yes, awareness is certainly a concern. At least, that is what the dual diagnosis statistics point towards. 

Seeking treatment for dual diagnosis disorders at the right time is incredibly important. Why? 

Well, simply because dual diagnosis is a severe condition that demands immediate attention. Although the place of your treatment and the dual diagnosis treatment program will depend upon the extent and severity of your disorders, recognizing the warning signs for dual diagnosis treatment is crucial. 

If your condition – or the condition of your loved ones – resembles any of the scenarios below, know that it is time to opt for an inpatient or an outpatient dual diagnosis treatment program. 

  • You use alcohol or drugs as a coping mechanism.
  • Not being able to use drugs or alcohol causes your mental health disorder to worsen. 
  • You tend to use prescription drugs and/or recreational drugs to manage pain, overcome depression, prevent anxiety, etc.
  • You abuse sleeping pills to combat insomnia. 
  • You notice a relationship between drug addiction and your mental health disorder.
  • Your family has a history of dual diagnosis and/or mental health disorders.
    You cannot handle traumatic and depressive memories without engaging in drug abuse. 

Whether you choose a dual diagnosis intensive outpatient program or an inpatient dual diagnosis treatment plan, ensure that your symptoms are met with proper care. 

Note: We are an inpatient and luxury treatment center. We specialize in providing celebrity treatment to dually diagnosed clients. Seek the help of our capable, specialized, and professional team to find a cure for your dual diagnosis disorders. 

Because treating dual diagnosis might not be an easy process, your healthcare provider will always consider the different treatment models. 

The most suitable dual diagnosis treatment model for you will be decided on the basis of your condition. 

The three dual diagnosis treatment models – serial model, parallel model, and integrated model – vary in their effectiveness. 

For the sake of information, let’s explore these treatment models for dual diagnosis in detail.

Non-Frequently Used Dual Diagnosis Treatment Models

There are two non-frequently used dual diagnosis treatment models in the UK:

  1. The serial or sequential model
  2. The parallel model

Firstly, as the name represents, the sequential model is a step-by-step approach towards dual diagnosis treatment. The first step, as per the serial model for treating the dual diagnosis, is to acknowledge the drug addiction. 

If your healthcare provider opts for this model, it will be centred on two conditions:

  1. Your mental health illness is nothing but a consequence of dual diagnosis substance abuse. 
  2. Your mental health disorder has not existed for too long. In other words, it is still manageable and can be treated. 

If both these conditions are fulfilled, a serial treatment model will enable you to be treated for dual diagnosis substance abuse first, and dual diagnosis mental health later

Unfortunately, the cons of the serial model outweigh its pros to a major extent. For this reason, the effectiveness of this model is questionable. 

The serial model can cause one condition to become worsened while the other is being treated. 

Furthermore, the healthcare providers form different teams to work on your mental health and substance abuse. The outcome? Absolutely no collaboration between the treatment providers. 

This can tremendously jeopardize the integrity of the dual diagnosis treatment program. 

So, is the serial model effective? No. However, it is still extensively used in the UK. 

Overall, the serial model can never provide you with an opportunity to relieve yourself of the drug addiction, as well as the mental health illness symptoms simultaneously. 

Secondly, like the sequential model of dual diagnosis treatment, the effectiveness of the parallel model is also dubious. 

Even though the parallel model enables a dually diagnosed client to be treated for the dual diagnosis of substance abuse and the dual diagnosis mental health at the same time, it still does not enable providers to work together in a collaborative environment. 

It is likely that the parallel treatment model will not result in disastrous outcomes as the serial model might. However, it jeopardizes the comprehensiveness of the treatment equally. 

In the UK, the use of the parallel model is extremely rare. This is merely because it’s neither practical nor efficient. 

Frequently Used Dual Diagnosis Treatment Model – The Integrated Model 

The integrated model is the epitome of effectiveness. When it comes to the treatment of dual diagnosis disorders, the dually diagnosed clients require a dual diagnosis treatment plan that follows three specific rules:

  • Simultaneous treatment for drug addiction and mental health disorder
  • Collaboration between the treatment providers for complete efficiency
  • Comprehensive and structured dual diagnosis treatment plan. 

Simply stating, the integrated model for the treatment of dual diagnosis disorders can aid you in wielding a weapon against your dual diagnosis disorders. 

The best part about integrated care for dual diagnosis treatment is that it wholly eradicates the possibility of one condition being aggravated because of the treatment for the other dually diagnosed condition. 

Such a treatment model for dual diagnosis can prevent future complications and provide long-term management for mental health disorders and coping strategies for relapse prevention. 

Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy on the Basis of Integrated Model for Dual Treatment

Alright, now that you know about the most effective dual treatment model, it is time to acknowledge what kinds of treatment come under the umbrella of such a model. 

Well, because dual treatment through the integrated model calls for therapies and medications that can treat both the conditions simultaneously, outpatient and inpatient facilities for dual diagnosis in the UK utilize the following psychotherapies for treating dual diagnosis: 

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Contingency Management (CM) / Motivational Incentives 
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) 
  • Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) 

Note: The dual diagnosis treatment plan can include other therapies besides the aforementioned dual diagnosis therapies. The list can change as per the types of dual diagnosis disorders that you suffer from. 

The medications that can be prescribed for combination therapy for dual diagnosis treatment can include: 

  • Antidepressants
  • Anti-anxiety medications
  • Antipsychotics
  • Sleeping aids
  • Benzodiazepines 

As the list for dual diagnosis therapies, the list for dual diagnosis medications is not exhaustive. There can be other medications depending upon your mental health condition. 

After analyzing your condition and the dually diagnosed disorders, your dual diagnosis psychiatrist and the healthcare providers will collaboratively devise the dual diagnosis treatment plan for you as per the integrated model of dual diagnosis. 

“There is absolutely no telling the destruction alcoholism caused in my life – the mental health issue was the primary problem but now I had another and a much bigger one,” said Nikki Downs, a dual diagnosis survivor from the UK. 

Just like Nikki’s story, the UK has a million more stories intricately woven within the society. This is exactly what psychotherapies and neuropsychological therapies in the UK are responsible to counter. 

While treating dual diagnosis, your healthcare provider is most likely to choose those dual diagnosis therapies that complement your dual addiction and mental health disorder. 

Now, let’s take a look at the different types of dual diagnosis therapies and their extent of use in treating dual diagnosis. 

Treating Dual Diagnosis with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) 

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a dual diagnosis therapy that is used by dual diagnosis psychiatrists in the UK more frequently than you can imagine. The adaptations of CBT used in the UK include:

  • Prolonged Exposure Therapy
  • Stress Inoculation Training
  • Cognitive Therapy
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy

Factually speaking, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a dual diagnosis therapy centres on four concepts for the treatment of dual diagnosis disorders: Identify, accept, eradicate, replace. 

The very essence of CBT promotes the fact that our thoughts eventually impact our behaviours. If our thoughts are complicated because of drug addiction or a mental health disorder, they are bound to affect our actions. 

For dually diagnosed clients, the first approach that a dual diagnosis psychiatrist will take during the dual diagnosis program will be to select the right adaptation of CBT. 

This can enable the dual diagnosis psychiatrist to identify toxic thought patterns, enable the dually diagnosed client to accept the patterns, eradicate them, and replace them with positive actions and emotions. 

Because CBT has several types, it can be used by dual diagnosis psychiatrists to treat stimulant (antidepressants, Wellbutrin, etc.) drug addiction, illicit (marijuana, meth, cocaine, heroin) drug addiction, opioids (morphine) addiction, sleeping aid addiction, as well as benzos (Xanax, Valium, etc.) addiction. 

That is if these drug addictions accompany PTSD, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, and eating disorders. 

CBT targets to destroy the negative thinking that you have developed as a result of trauma, depression, anxiety, or mood fluctuations. 

At the same time, CBT helps you recognize drug-abusing patterns. With the assistance of CBT, your dual diagnosis psychiatrist will ensure that you develop the necessary coping strategies to combat your dual addiction and dual diagnosis mental health at the same time. 

CBT can last for at least 16 weeks if you acquire treatment in the UK. The therapy can be performed in individual sessions, as well as group sessions. 

Motivational Incentives (Contingency Management) and Dual Treatment

If you plan to opt for treatment at a dual diagnosis intensive outpatient program, your dual diagnosis psychiatrist will likely lean greatly towards motivational incentives therapy. 

Why so? Well, our brain has a unique way to perceive motivation. You see, when your brain expects to receive a tangible reward, it inclines itself to adhere to the possibility of achieving the reward. 

Once you do achieve the reward, your brain releases mysteriously large amounts of a neurotransmitter called “dopamine.” 

Now, if you do not know, dopamine is a chemical that induces feelings of victory, happiness, and, as you’d expect, motivation. 

So, if your brain increases dopamine production, it can create the same feelings that a drug would – the feeling of being rewarded. Before you know it, CM will transform your drug cravings into a desire for tangible rewards with this mechanism. 

At the same time, it can create an incentive or a cause for happiness. 

But, did you know that depression and anxiety cause the brain to decrease dopamine production? 

This is exactly why Contingency Management as a dual diagnosis therapy is so important for dual diagnosis. First, it can create the feeling of being rewarded. Second, it can alleviate the discomfort of the related mental health disorders that affect dopamine production. 

The dual diagnosis psychiatrist will incline more towards motivational incentives/ Contingency Management if a dually diagnosed client suffers from stimulants, opioids, or sleeping aid addiction, alongside major depressive disorder, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, or psychosis. 

Note: Contingency Management is a neuropsychological therapy since it can affect the psychological reward-seeking mechanism, as well as the wiring of the brain. 

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) for Treatment of Dual Diagnosis Disorders

Because Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is an adaptation of CBT, it revolves around the same principle. 

However, in the UK, Dialectical behavioural therapy has become the go-to treatment for dual diagnosis, considering its effectiveness for mental health disorders like a borderline personality disorder. 

By now, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy as a dual diagnosis therapy has become so diversified that it can actively promote better well-being of a dually diagnosed client. 

DBT can treat illicit drug addiction, along with sleeping aid addiction, if either of them is found to co-occur with depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, or bipolar disorder. 

As DBT proceeds: 

  • The dually diagnosed client is educated about his condition and the symptoms circulating it. 
  • The dual diagnosis psychiatrist then proceeds to encourage the dually diagnosed patient to recognize the difference between a dual diagnosis-free life and a life that is shackled by dual addiction and mental health disorder. 
  • Once the dually diagnosed patient learns the pros and cons of building a new life, the dual diagnosis psychiatrist motivates the patient for change.
  • The psychiatrist also teaches skills and coping strategies to improve the condition of the dually diagnosed patient. 

In a nutshell, DBT is a bridge between self-acceptance and motivation. 

Dual Diagnosis Treatment – Is Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) Always Suitable?

A dual diagnosis treatment plan will not always include MET. We will get to the whys and wherefores in just a moment. 

Motivational Enhancement Therapy is a procedure that seeks to change the pessimistic approach of the dually diagnosed patients. 

It does so by providing them with an incentive for change. First, a dual diagnosis psychiatrist will most likely inform you about the destructive effects of dual diagnosis disorders and the consequences of not being treated for dual diagnosis immediately. 

Second, the dual diagnosis psychiatrist will help you develop skills and strategies to:

  1. Prevent relapses
  2. Manage your mental health condition

Whether MET as a dual diagnosis therapy is conducted individually, in a group, or as family therapy, the outcomes of the therapy can be extremely fruitful when it is used as an aid to CBT. 

You see, while CBT will work on your cognitive and behavioural aspects, MET will enhance your intrinsic motivation. 

Eventually, you will be able to connect the dots by devising coping mechanisms that fit your needs. 

However, if your mental health disorder is not related to motivation (for instance, PTSD), MET will barely be of any use at all. 

So, is MET – as a dual diagnosis therapy – always suitable? No. But, is MET always effective where it is suitable? Yes, indeed. 

Note: MET is used for stimulant and illicit drug addictions when they are found to co-occur with depression or anxiety. 

Dual Treatment with Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) 

EMDR is a neuropsychological approach that is specifically used for treating trauma survivors.

Related: PTSD and Traumas Rehab and Treatment 

Along with this, EMDR can treat PTSD, anxiety, depression, profound stress, and psychosis to some extent. That is if either of these is found in comorbidity with stimulant drug addiction (e.g. Wellbutrin), sleeping aid addiction (e.g. Amytal), or illicit drug addiction (e.g. Inhalants). 

As for the function, EMDR as a dual diagnosis therapy works by affecting the fear and paranoia system of the brain. Normally, the amygdala – a little chunk in the brain – is responsible for creating feelings of fear and paranoia. 

Well, in dually diagnosed patients with PTSD and its related mental afflictions, the amygdala becomes overcharged. 

It stimulates the brain to “stay on edge” because of fear. 

EMDR “calms” down the amygdala and smooths out the brain waves by repetitive eye movements. 

Note: EMDR is only used when a mental health disorder results in a dually diagnosed substance abuse. 

An integrated care model calls for pharmacotherapy wherever needed. Depending upon your disorders, your dual diagnosis psychiatrist can prescribe medications for depression, anxiety, insomnia, psychosis, etc. 

In fact, if the medications do not interact with one another, your dual diagnosis psychiatrist might also prescribe pharmacological agents to assist drug withdrawal. 

Nonetheless, as useful as they may be, medications for dual diagnosis prescribed in the UK have innumerable side effects. These can include:

MedicationSide Effects
AntidepressantsHeadache, nausea, insomnia, constipation or diarrhoea, dry mouth, fatigue, weight gain, and profuse sweating.

Warning: Antidepressants can cause extreme suicidal tendencies.
AntipsychoticDrowsiness, weight gain, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, memory and cognitive impairment, and restlessness. 
Sleeping pills Agitation, problems with digestion, blurred vision, hallucinations, loss of appetite, weight loss, and diarrhoea. 
Drowsiness, light-headedness, dizziness, slurred speech, confusion, unsteadiness, memory impairment, and muscle weakness.
Agitation, problems with digestion, blurred vision, hallucinations, loss of appetite, weight loss, and diarrhoea. 

Dual diagnosis addiction treatment and mental health treatment is a complicated process. However, to be fair, pharmacotherapy can worsen the complexity of this process.  

Generally speaking, psychotherapies are the ideal course of treatment, rather than pharmacotherapy. But, how is it that psychotherapies are prioritised and pharmacotherapy is merely considered to “assist” the treatment?

Well, first of all, psychotherapies have been studied, experimented with, and adapted to fulfil the requirements of the dually diagnosed clients. 

Whether it is a psychological viewpoint or a neurological viewpoint, therapies can completely alter the treatment and the prognosis of the disorders towards better outcomes. 

What do medications do in such a scenario? They merely overshadow the symptoms of one disorder till the other is treated. 

Secondly, psychotherapies address the disorders by jumping right into the deep end. A dual diagnosis psychiatrist will explore every strand of information till the root cause of mental health disorder and Substance Use Disorder is acknowledged. 

Medications for dual diagnosis, conversely, will merely delete the symptoms of the dually diagnosed disorders, while the main cause of dual diagnosis remains embedded within the patient. 

Thirdly, psychotherapies do not pose dangers to the physical health of the patient.

However, as for medications, we have already acknowledged the numerous side effects of the commonly prescribed medications for dual diagnosis. 

The side effects of pharmacotherapy tend to further destroy the prospect of complete recovery from comorbidity. They can physically and neurologically impair your ability to function. 

Last but not the least, the medications prescribed for dual diagnosis can cause dependency, which can further lead to prescription drug abuse. 

Considering that a dually diagnosed patient is already exposed to the possibility of being addicted to drugs, administering dependence-triggering drugs for “treatment” is nothing but a mistake. 

So, the last word is that dual diagnosis treatment is better off without medications. Even if your dual diagnosis psychiatrist prescribes medications to you, the intake must be regulated. 

Dually diagnosed clients require intensive care. Whether you choose to opt for a dual diagnosis intensive outpatient treatment program or an inpatient dual diagnosis program, it must be ensured that you follow the proper protocol of treatment program selection. 

So, before your loved ones become a martyr to their addictions and co-occurring mental health disorders, let’s take a look at the ideal treatment options. 

Outpatient Dual Diagnosis Treatment Plan – Conditionally Ideal Dual Treatment

A dual diagnosis intensive outpatient program is a facility, whereby you are required to attend several therapy sessions per week, without living in the facility. 

This type of dual diagnosis drug rehab has a few key features:

  • The dual diagnosis program at the outpatient treatment centre lasts for 10 weeks in the UK. 
  • The first step during the dual diagnosis treatment program is to withdraw and detox from the drug. 
  • The dual diagnosis treatment plan includes individual and group meetings. 
  • The dual diagnosis program includes medication management. 
  • The dual diagnosis treatment plan follows the integrated model for treating dual diagnosis in the UK. 

Because dual diagnosis is a condition that requires special care, you need to consider even the slightest possibility that outpatient treatment might not be the ideal option for you. 

A dual diagnosis intensive outpatient program will not be the perfect treatment protocol for you if your drug addiction or mental health disorder has lasted for years without an end. 

If your condition seems to be declining each passing day because of dual diagnosis, you mustn’t seek treatment at an outpatient treatment centre for dual diagnosis. Why? Because the lack of a structured treatment will simply not suffice for an extreme situation. 

A dual diagnosis intensive outpatient program will, however, be absolutely fundamental if your drug addiction and/or mental health disorder has just entered the premises and if your condition is relatively stable. 

There are pros and cons if you plan to choose a dual diagnosis treatment plan at an outpatient centre. 

A dual diagnosis intensive outpatient program will certainly be more affordable and less demanding. It will not require you to drop your academics or job to find a treatment for dual diagnosis disorders. 

However, at the same time, a dual diagnosis intensive outpatient program will fail to cut your ties with the external – environmental, and personal – triggers that cause your mental health condition to worsen or your drug abuse to skyrocket. 

Note: Dually diagnosed clients require 24/7 supervision, mainly during pharmacotherapy. A dual diagnosis intensive outpatient program fails to provide this, which makes the outcomes susceptible to destruction. 

Inpatient Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program – The Ideal Treatment 

Because an intensive inpatient treatment for dual diagnosis requires you to live in while you are being treated for dual diagnosis, it will be your final calling if:

  • Your mental health is deteriorating.
  • Your drug addiction has started to challenge your physical health and personal relationships.
  • You require 24/7 supervision from qualified medical professionals.
  • You need to cut ties with external triggers. 

Before you are considered suitable to enter an inpatient dual diagnosis treatment program, your dual diagnosis psychiatrist will evaluate the past duration and the rate of deterioration of your mental health and dual diagnosis substance abuse. 

Once you fulfil the criteria to acquire intensive inpatient treatment for dual diagnosis disorders, your inpatient dual diagnosis drug rehab will enable you to boycott the triggers that pave your way towards destruction. 

Because intensive inpatient treatment for dual diagnosis in the UK is based on the integrated dual diagnosis treatment model, it ensures that the dual diagnosis treatment plan is simultaneous, effective, collaborative, and comprehensive. 

At an inpatient dual diagnosis treatment program, you can expect to acquire all the information about your co-occurring disorders at individual dual diagnosis therapies, group dual diagnosis therapies, and family dual diagnosis therapies. 

Besides this, an inpatient dual diagnosis treatment plan will enable you to formulate coping mechanisms, stress management techniques, and immunity against triggers that aggravate your dually diagnosed disorders. 

If you happen to be searching for an effective, collaborative, and structured treatment, our inpatient dual diagnosis treatment program is at your service. 

We are high-end and celebrity treatment providers. Our inpatient luxury treatment facility can prove to be the ideal treatment protocol for you or your loved ones. 

Opt for the best and achieve the best outcomes with us. 

Facilities at a Luxury Inpatient Treatment Centre for Dual Diagnosis 

Traditional inpatient treatment might not always possess the facilities, professional teams, and resources that are required to fabricate the best possible dual diagnosis treatment plan for you. 

However, luxury treatment for dual diagnosis disorders can enable you to seek treatment under the observation of well-trained, qualified specialists. 

The quality and structure of a dual diagnosis treatment plan at a luxury dual diagnosis drug rehab and mental health rehab will vary significantly from a traditional dual diagnosis inpatient treatment program. 

Additional to this, the luxury treatment enables you to have absolute privacy, a private chef to take care of your diet, a driver, regular housekeeping, a big garden, and a pool for recreational activities. 

Every client has a private villa and complete access to:

  • Massage therapy
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Art and Music Therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Equine therapy
  • Animal-assisted therapy
  • Adventure therapy

Luckily, Balance Luxury Rehab is the best inpatient, luxury treatment facility for you. We provide the services, facilities and a personalized treatment program that can spark a change in your dual diagnosis-affected life. 

Even as you undergo dual diagnosis treatment, there are a few lifestyle changes that can help provide a lot more robust results. 

It is crucial for all dually diagnosed clients to continue certain changes even after the treatment. But, what is the use of all this effort? 

Well, in the name of complete honesty, if you do not incorporate at least some key lifestyle changes during and after your dual diagnosis program, the results of the treatment will simply not persist. 

Eventually, in the long term, you will find yourself spiralling back into doom. So, to prevent that from happening, it is vital for you to integrate key lifestyle changes. 

Firstly, you should learn to cope-up with stress. Whether it is through yoga, breathing exercises, or meditation, stress management will take you to your destination. If something floats your boat, opt for it. 

Secondly, completely eradicate the idea of coping up with drug abuse. Recovering from drug abuse only to become shackled by drug addiction will weaken your body and mind. While receiving treatment for dual diagnosis disorders, make sure that you devise coping strategies – that do not include drug abuse as an option – to manage your triggers. 

Relaxation is the key. Your lifestyle must promote relaxation, instead of further stress. Remember, obscuring stress is not the goal. The aim is to eliminate stress. 

Thirdly, begin eating healthy. Fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, nuts, etc. are nutrient houses. The last thing that your body needs during dual diagnosis treatment is unhealthy, junk food. Intake of more proteins and good fats will ensure that your energy reserves are maximized. 

Fourthly, understand that exercise will make you feel liberated, energized, and strong. Doing cardio can release “endorphins” in your brain. These are chemical substances that induce feelings of happiness and accomplishment. 

Lastly, boycotting the people that worsen your mental health and/or encourage drug abuse must be yet another lifestyle change. This will be like cutting ties with personal triggers.

At the same time, you need to strengthen existing relationships and embrace the support that your loved ones shower you with. 

Knowing your triggers – environmental and personal – will ensure that you take a step back from being exposed to them beforehand. This step also comes under the umbrella of coping up with your new life. 

To give you a complete picture, dual diagnosis treatment is a comprehensive approach to manage the dually diagnosed disorders. 

If the dual diagnosis treatment model is integrated, it can prove incredibly effective for you or your loved ones. Dual diagnosis therapies – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Contingency Management, Motivational Enhancement Therapy, and Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing – can enable complete, beneficial treatment. 

Understand that psychotherapies must be prioritised over pharmacotherapies. This is due to numerous reasons. Mainly, however, pharmacotherapy must be avoided because of the side effects that medications for dual diagnosis can have on the physical and neurological health of the person.

Opting for intensive inpatient treatment for dual diagnosis disorders is a wise choice, instead of choosing a dual diagnosis intensive outpatient program. 



The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


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