10 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Psychological and emotional trauma is described as a result of extraordinarily distressing or frightening events that lead to feelings of helplessness and insecurity. Originating from a single event or an ongoing experience, trauma can impose multiple challenges on day-to-day functioning and normal coping mechanisms. In most cases, the triggering events repeatedly keep playing in mind with a failure to control them.

Whether something has been traumatic is individually tailored as the same experience could trigger completely different effects on different individuals. In any case, seeking help in getting over trauma is encouraged, especially when the negative emotions associated with the triggering event escalate at high speed. A Luxury Treatment Rehab, particularly designed to assist people coping with trauma, can be a potential treatment of choice to regain control over their emotions and life.

  • 1 in every 3 adults in the UK has reportedly suffered from at least one traumatic event in their lives
  • 4 out of every 100 individuals in the UK screen positive for posttraumatic stress disorder due to unmanaged, long-term stress
  • Approximately 5% of the young population in the UK has experienced a traumatic event in their lives.
  • 1 in every 13 adolescents develops PTSD before they reach adulthood.

Trauma is characterised by two types: physical and emotional. While the former is easier to diagnose and manage with high recovery rates, emotional or psychological trauma is less likely to be caught and managed in time. It results from an extraordinarily stressful life event that leads to a dip in confidence and security, leaving an individual vulnerable in a dangerous world. Emotional trauma often leaves the victim struggling with painful memories, anxiety, and upsetting emotions that are extremely hard to keep under control or forget. As a result, problems like numbness, disconnectedness, and a sense of distrust become a permanent part of the trauma survivor’s personality.

Traumatic stress is frequently associated with a threat to safety or life, even if it is not remotely involved in physical harm. All types of trauma, including long-lasting events and a one-time encounter, tends to affect every individual differently. Some may display the clear criteria associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a more severe consequence of trauma, while others choose to adopt a resilient response as a way of coping with trauma. In other words, the impact of trauma can be mild, stealthy, or downright destructive. To what extent a traumatic event affects someone varies, depending on different factors, such as the individual personality traits, the type and intensity of the traumatic event, and the sociocultural factors.

In order to learn how to deal with trauma, it is important to understand the causative factors leading to the issue in the first place. Experts believe the following three reasons as the chief factors triggering emotional trauma in individuals:

One-time Event

This may include a road traffic accident, a violent attack, or injury, especially if the event happened in childhood completely unexpected.

On-going Stressful Event

Sometimes, the process of trauma is long-term as a result of a continuous, relentless stress-inducing life event. Examples of such events include fighting a chronic, life-threatening sickness, living in a crime-ridden town, domestic violence, bullying at school or workplace, and childhood neglect. Such trauma survivors present with more severe symptoms that have been ingrained into their nature, hence requiring a more intense therapy, possibly in a luxury Inpatient Trauma Treatment Center.

Less Common Causes 

These causes are commonly overlooked as a potential trauma-inducing factor and include undergoing a surgical process, a breakup of an important personal or professional relationship, the sudden, unexpected demise of a loved one, or a humiliating experience, possibly involving cruel experiences.

If you are wondering how to help someone with trauma, the first and the most important step is to help them find out the exact cause and support in mitigating trauma by referring them to an executive trauma treatment center.

Various types of reactions are often seen in trauma survivors. Some experience immediate reactions that typically sort out without any severe long-term complications. This is most likely because of the high resilience and the appropriate coping strategies that many trauma survivors learn. Many recover from trauma with time, function effectively through life, and show very little distress. A tiny percentage of people develop symptoms that fit the criteria of a mental illness, such as mood and anxiety disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Nevertheless, a trauma in any form and intensity may make seeking help for trauma a necessity.

The following four domains are the most common ones to get exploited due to singular or multiple traumatic experiences. It is important to remember that most of them are often normal responses to trauma but can be highly distressing; hence, seeking help can be considered.

Emotional Changes

The emotional response to trauma can significantly vary from one individual to another and greatly influences the victim’s socio-cultural history. In addition to the initial emotional response that happens during the triggering event, other symptoms include feelings of sadness, shame, fear, or anger. Identifying these emotions might be difficult for different reasons. They might lack the experience to identify them or may negate their existence due to the social stigma attached to them.

Emotional dysregulation

Trauma survivors often find it difficult to regulate the emotions of anxiety, sadness, shame, or anger, especially when the trauma has taken place in childhood. For adults, this effect is short-lived and mostly occurs as an immediate response and immediately subsides instead of becoming an ongoing pattern. For people with emotional dysregulation, self-medication is a common habit to regain control of their emotions, but regrettably, it mostly leads to further dysregulation.

Other common responses of the victims under emotional dysregulation include disordered eating, self-injurious behaviours, denial of emotions, and compulsive behaviours. Not all of the behaviours are negative; in fact, some may even lead to acquiring healthy and creative ways to answer their quest of how to get over a traumatic event.

In most cases, traumatic stress leads to two extremes of emotions: feeling too little or numb or feeling too much or overwhelming. With the right kind of treatment and therapies to treat trauma in the UK, such individuals can learn how to balance their emotions while coping with overwhelming situations better.


Numbing refers to a biological process in which emotions separate from behaviours, memories, and thoughts. It is characterised by a reduction in the range of emotions in maintaining interpersonal interactions and other symptoms like a foreshortened future. Because this numbing reaction is often able to mask the emotional changes in the mind, it can make it difficult for the victims, their family members, and even the healthcare professionals dealing with them to pinpoint the exact intensity of the problem and perceive it as less severe than it actually is.

 Physical Symptoms

Another critical aspect to keep in mind while learning how to overcome trauma is the physical side of a traumatic event. While most people do not appreciate the physical effects of trauma, they are very much real and often overlooked. Research, however, believes that many trauma survivors initially suffer from physical symptoms and sometimes develop chronic health conditions. Some common physical manifestations of trauma are related to cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory, musculoskeletal, neurological, and even dermatological disorders.

Trauma symptoms usually last from days to months and gradually fade away as you learn to process the unsettling triggering event in a better way. However, the painful memories sometimes keep coming back no matter how well you have learned to cope with them. This is particularly true if these traumatic memories are associated with triggers like an anniversary or something that keeps reminding you of them.

As a part of learning how to deal with trauma, it is vital to keep track of symptoms and identify any worsening as it could possibly be a symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). While it is normal to experience emotional trauma due to a disturbing event, it can take the shape of PTSD when the nervous system cannot move on from the event and pushes you into a psychological shock.

Whether or not the traumatic event that led to emotional scarring involves a serious event such as death, the survivors must learn how to cope with loss. It is important to restore the sense of safety and regain control over life. For this purpose, various therapies to treat trauma in the UK are available and can be sought for timely and effective management.

At a 5-star luxury rehab facility, the goal is to provide a personally tailored experience to each patient. Every patient is welcomed wholeheartedly and has undergone a complete medical checkup to make sure that their physical health is in good shape. All necessary documentation processes and ID checks are completed on arrival, followed by a detailed tour of the facility to help you familiarise yourself with the surrounding. An expert is personally assigned to each visitor to look after the individual treatment plans and their proper execution daily. This is followed by escorting to your room or a private villa, depending on what you have opted for. You will be given sufficient time to get accustomed to your new accommodation and environment, and the day will be wrapped up with a healthy meal.

At our Luxury Trauma Rehab, we understand how difficult it can be to leave behind the comfort of your home to come to seek help for a traumatic event. Hence, we promise to take utmost care of you and make you feel at home as much as possible with a comprehensive, upscale treatment program specially tailored to your needs and preferences. Contact us today to begin your journey towards recovery.

Whether you are a parent, an entrepreneur, a student, or a celebrity, the luxury trauma treatment centre welcomes you with full enthusiasm and treats you with extreme discretion and in a completely professional manner. These treatment centres promote cultural diversity by entertaining people from all ethnic diversities without any judgments and discrimination and with respect for all beliefs. People from all walks of life are welcome and can finally start hoping to cope with their traumatic past with our 5-star luxury rehab.

At our Executive Trauma Treatment Center, you can expect to regain control of life as you are provided with all luxurious amenities of life, including a private chef and housekeeping. A driver will be available for you to escort you wherever you need to go. Private villas are also available on demand if you need absolute privacy and come with a pool to freshen your mind and a lush-green garden for quiet walks in solitude. Other activities for leisure are also available on-demand to experience a wholesome life as you give your mind time to recover from trauma.

Learning how to deal with trauma can be a tiresome and difficult process and is not everyone’s cup of tea. If you are a trauma survivor and unable to suppress the memories of a traumatic event in the past, do not be afraid to seek help. Even though it’s difficult to process the overwhelming events immediately, there are always ways to heal from the trauma they cause. Contact us to help you or a loved one with your journey towards a healthy, trauma-free life at our luxury trauma rehab centre today.



The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


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