12 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Drug addiction can hit people of all ages and backgrounds, including pregnant women. The dangers that drugs pose to an unborn child are significant, prompting many expectant mothers with substance use disorders to seek medical detox. They may be apprehensive, though, about the health dangers of detoxifying while pregnant.

In this article, we will learn the rationale for removing drugs out of your system while pregnant, the risks to your child’s health, and how to get treatment.

  • Tobacco usage increases the risk of stillbirth by 1.8 to 2.8 times, with the heaviest smokers having the highest risk.
  • Marijuana usage is linked to a 2.3-fold increased risk of stillbirth.
  • There’s a 2.2-fold increase in the risk of stillbirth if you take any stimulants, prescription pain relievers or marijuana.
  • Passive exposure to tobacco use during pregnancy increases the risk of stillbirth by 2.1 times.

If you find out you’re pregnant, you’ll have to think about a lot of things. You may be surprised to learn that you are expecting a child, and you may be concerned that your substance use has already affected your kid.

It’s probable that you continued to consume drugs before learning you were pregnant, and you’re now concerned about the damage you’ve already done. There’s no way to really know at this point, but if you’re less than 6 weeks pregnant and the embryo has been damaged in any way before you found out you’re pregnant, you’re likely to have a miscarriage.

However, if you don’t miscarry and decide to get sober and clean right away, your baby will have a good chance of surviving. Even if you are more than 6 weeks pregnant and have abused illicit substances heavily, there is a possibility that your baby will be fine if you get treatment early on. In a word, the earlier you get sober, the greater your chances of having a healthy kid are.

Some substances are more damaging to a developing child than others. Furthermore, the way they affect your unborn child is usually determined by the type of drug you were taking, how much you were taking, and how long you had been taking it. To find out your odds of having a healthy baby, speak with a medical professional at a premium rehab and detox centre. There may be certain tests available to determine the well-being of your unborn child.

For any woman struggling with drug addiction, drug detoxification while pregnant is vital. When a woman learns she is expecting a child, she should get treatment for any drug addiction she may have, such as an opiate or alcohol. Because alcohol, opioid, or any other drug can have serious and life-threatening consequences for a child in the womb, this is the case.

While pregnant, it is essential for a woman to go to a specialist rehab centre for safe detox. This is because a pregnant woman’s treatment differs greatly from that of any other individual. As a result, when detoxifying while pregnant, extra caution and attention must be taken.

Getting support and therapy as soon as possible puts the lady up for a better drug-free future and dramatically decreases the likelihood of consequences for her kid.

Despite the fact that your thoughts may be clouded by your addiction, it is critical that you consider what you want to do today. Do you want to keep the pregnancy going? If that’s the case, you’ll need to do everything you can to get clean, including learning how to drug detox whilst pregnant. This is a difficult task that will almost certainly necessitate the assistance of a specialist.

If you would like to have a child, you should consider if you are in a decent enough financial position to support yourself and your child right then, or if you can figure yourself out enough to support both you and your baby. You might find it much easier to get back on your feet if you have family and friends who will help you. When it comes to disorders like drug addiction, a pregnancy can frequently be the trigger for change; you may discover that it motivates you to get sober for the sake of your kid. You may already feel an overwhelming feeling of love for the baby developing inside of you, and that could be all you need to get your life back in order.

If your midwife, consultant or medical professionals at your high-end rehab and detox centre believe you have a fair likelihood of having a healthy baby if you get clean now, and you believe you can sustain yourself and a baby, you will almost certainly decide to carry the pregnancy to term. You must now consider becoming clean!

When a woman struggling with an opiate, alcohol, or other drug addiction finds out that she is expecting a child, her first fear is usually how her substance abuse will damage the foetus. She might be concerned about how her substance abuse may have already put her child in jeopardy before verifying the pregnancy.

Drug or alcohol abuse can harm a baby in a variety of ways, including:

  • Premature delivery
  • Low birth weight
  • Behaviour issues in childhood
  • Birth defects
  • Difficulties in retention of memory 
  • Deficits in learning
  • Symptoms of withdrawal after childbirth
  • Stillbirth
  • Withdrawal from Substances During Pregnancy

Detoxing from drugs while pregnant is difficult for both doctors and mothers. An addicted woman’s physiology is significantly out of balance during withdrawal, which might harm the foetus.

Withdrawal symptoms and problems can vary depending on the substance of addiction.

Factors that influence the severity of the withdrawal process in a pregnant woman include:

  • The drug that was utilised
  • The method that was employed (snorting, smoking, injecting or ingesting)
  • The duration of substance or alcohol abuse
  • The number of drugs abused each time and their quantity
  • The severity of addiction can be influenced by genetic, biological, and environmental variables. 

The duration of the withdrawal process is also influenced by these factors.

In general, the more an individual is reliant on a substance, the greater the chance of difficulties during withdrawal. That’s where a supervised approach comes in since it reduces and handles the challenges of drug withdrawal.

Detoxing from opiates while expecting might be very difficult. In severe situations, it can cause depression of the respiratory system in unborn babies, which can lead to loss of pregnancy, early labour, or foetal abnormalities. When detoxing from opiates, gradual weaning using a milder prescription opioid can be beneficial. Detoxing from illicit substances is best done in a medical institution.

Addiction is also caused by the substance of abuse being absorbed into the foetal body. How long do drugs stay in a foetus’ system after the pregnant mother stops using them? It varies by substance since some take longer to pass through the system than others. The foetus may become dependent on the drug of abuse to the point where, after birth, the baby suffers neonatal abstinence syndrome, a set of serious issues that a newborn baby experiences when it pulls back from substances it was subjected to in the womb before birth.

To address the question of how to detox drugs out of your system while pregnant, the only safe way to do it is to enrol in a licensed drug treatment programme for medical detoxification. Choosing to detox in any other way, like at home, poses health hazards that could harm the foetus.

A drug detox programme, especially an inpatient one, allows the patient to be monitored around the clock and receive more rigorous treatment than they would receive at home. Furthermore, medical detox enables them to be managed with detox drugs that lessen the severity of withdrawal symptoms.

Furthermore, unlike a typical patient, a pregnant mother needs extra attention. A treatment centre provides round-the-clock care and therapy to guarantee that the lady and her kid are always secure and healthy.

Natural detoxing for expectant mothers can be a risky and life-threatening method due to the wide range of side effects. Women may find it tempting, and in the best interests of their baby, to abruptly discontinue all drug usage once they learn they are pregnant. Some people look for detox drinks that are safe to drink during pregnancy on the internet. Others opt for holistic detoxes. While some drug detox drinks on the market promise to cleanse the body quickly, they do not address the overpowering drug craving. Their effectiveness is also unproven.

Furthermore, if the foetus is already habituated to the medication, a quick detox cleanse can trigger withdrawal symptoms. As a result, these activities may be more damaging to both the mother and the foetus.

Home drug detox is dangerous, especially when you’re pregnant and the side effects are compounded. The mother or her relatives would not learn how to deal with the various issues that come with drug withdrawal in an unsupervised home environment. Both the mother and the baby are at risk. Nevertheless, despite the fact that inpatient detox is the safest option, several women refuse to do it while pregnant. In such cases, it is strongly advised to detox in an outpatient facility under medical supervision rather than cleansing out the system at home while pregnant.

It is critical for women who opt to detox from drugs while pregnant to understand what to expect. It is comparable to the treatment that regular people receive when they enter a treatment facility in many ways, however with much more monitoring and certain changes in the drugs administered.

It is critical that a woman who is certain that she is pregnant tells the rehab centre of her pregnancy as soon as possible after enrolling. It will enable clinicians to make informed decisions about patient care, like which medications to use. Several of the withdrawal drugs prescribed to regular patients can harm an unborn child.

The expectant mother will be guided by a doctor on how to safely detox while pregnant. Whether it is an opioid, alcohol or any other drug, this is usually accomplished by decreasing the drug of addiction rather than abruptly stopping it. It is frequently replaced with equal prescription medicine. The dose of a prescribed medicine is gradually reduced over time. A doctor creates a tapering programme based on the severity of the addiction and may also provide safe medications to alleviate some of the most distressing symptoms of withdrawal. Because sedation is required for a quick operation, it is not safe or advised for expectant mothers, and a sedated detox has a higher chance of problems.

Mental health difficulties that occur concurrently with drug use and withdrawal have a major impact on maternal and foetal health.

Inpatient programmes can assist women with their mental health, as well as ensure their security and safety while preventing self-harm. In certain women, further antidepressant therapy may be required, in which case medical practitioners will select antidepressants with the lowest risk of side effects.

However, drug detoxification while pregnant is only the beginning of the road. Pursuing addiction treatment plans and developing techniques to avoid relapse after completing the programme, it is critical to continue receiving treatment and therapy for the root causes that led to substance misuse and dependency. At the same location as the medical detox programme, an addiction treatment programme may be available. If not, the expectant mother should be transferred to a facility that does.


The abovementioned drug detox is the first step in getting clean and sober, but you must also learn how to remain that way. Fortunately, you’ll have a strong desire to be sober, which will help you stay on track during your pregnancy. However, you could still have an urge to abuse drugs, and you’ll need to learn how to cope with them.

You will not only master the skill to resist drug cravings throughout a treatment programme, but you will also understand why you became hooked in the first place. It’s critical that you address these concerns, as failing to do so could get you in hot water again in the future.

Make sure to inform any rehabilitation provider that you are expecting a baby ahead of time, and they’ll need to know in order to create a treatment plan that is appropriate for you. You will most likely be offered a personalised treatment plan that fits your individual needs. This will most likely comprise a combination of standard therapies like group therapy and counselling sessions, as well as holistic therapies like music and art therapy. Your treatment plan may include nutrition education for both you and your baby, and also relapse prevention workshops to assist you to avoid relapsing into addictive activities in the future.

Instead of seeing a doctor, many women continue to take drugs or stop cold turkey when they learn they are pregnant. It may, in the end, cause more harm than benefit. In such circumstances, inpatient detox is the most advised approach.

Most women find it difficult to locate an appropriate detox centre once they decide to detox while pregnancy. Only a quarter of rehab institutions provide services for pregnant women, despite the fact that many offer extensive programmes and therapy. This is due to the fact that safe detoxing while pregnant is more complicated and demanding than typical detoxing for women and men. To create pregnancy-safe detox regimens, a professionally qualified medical team must be incorporated.

An expectant woman who wants to quit abusing drugs should contact top-rated drug rehab centres in her area to see whether they provide pregnancy detox programmes. The mother should then visit and compare these programmes to ensure that she feels secure and comfortable at the institution. The programmes are supposed to be confidential, private, and judgment-free in general. The medical staff at the centres is empathetic to the difficulties of addiction and recognises the importance of a mother’s recovery.

It is essential to seek safe and secure detox for drug addiction while pregnant. A high-end luxury detox centre across the major cities of the UK including Manchester, London and Newcastle is your best chance to get your systems clean while expecting a baby. The high staff to patient ratio, round the clock availability and monitoring by expert medical professionals, and upscale and up-to-date evidence-based treatment methods set these premium luxury detox centres apart from the conventional detox centres.

The premium accommodation and amenities at an upscale luxury detox centre feel like a stay in a 5-star resort with all the comforts of home. You are guided and welcomed to ask all sorts of questions regarding your health after detox. One of the major benefits of detoxing at a premium luxury detox centre is that you have a rigorous follow up and aftercare plan which ensures highly successful outcomes. 

Apart from detox, these premium luxury institutes offer full-term rehab to address the root causes of falling into addiction in the first place, to help you develop coping mechanisms, offer a variety of conventional and non-conventional therapies and avoid relapse in the future.

If you or your loved one is pregnant while still abusing drugs, you need to consult a high-end luxury detox and rehab centre right away to avoid any further damage and seek expert advice at an upscale detox facility.



The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


a successful and proven concept focusing on underlying causes


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