24 Minutes

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The fear, the panic, the anxiety, the temptation to break off from the world, whatever it is that your traumatic memories make you feel, PTSD treatment can allow you to step out of a never-ending loop of trauma. According to research, PTSD is highly prevalent in the UK. So much so that 4 in 100 people in the UK experience symptoms of PTSD once in a lifetime. As of 2020, 40,299 police officers in the UK were diagnosed with PTSD. The worst part is that PTSD in UK armed forces and police officers are often accompanied by extreme depression and anxiety. With these statistics, the need for PTSD treatment and trauma therapy increases a thousandfold. But, how to treat PTSD? Can PTSD be cured? If yes, then how to heal PTSD? What are the therapeutic treatment options? Are medicines for PTSD even safe? 

“The fear and panic was debilitating, I could feel my heart thumping through my bloodstream and shake uncontrollably, I just wanted to run and scream,” says Alani, a trauma survivor from Edinburgh. 

The intensity of PTSD symptoms is evidence for why we need treatments for PTSD in the first place. In the UK, 1 in 5 firefighters, 2 in 3 war prisoners, and 1 in 2 female rape survivors battle with PTSD. What do these statistics show us? 

Related: Luxury Inpatient Mental Health Rehab UK

They depict the necessity of PTSD research to treat the struggling population of the UK. But, they also signify that you are not alone in your difficult war with trauma. Up till now, two forms of treatments for PTSD have proven immensely useful: PTSD therapies and medicines for PTSD. 

The medicines for PTSD prescribed and accepted in the UK include:

  • Fluoxetine (Prozac)
  • Sertraline (Zoloft)
  • Paroxetine (Paxil)
  • Venlafaxine (Effexor)

Zoloft, Paxil, and Prozac for PTSD belong to a group of antidepressants called SSRIs (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), whilst Effexor belongs to another group of antidepressants called SNRIs (Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors). 

As for the therapies, the following therapeutic treatments for PTSD are the most effective and well-known:

  1. Cognitive Processing Therapy
  2. Prolonged Exposure Therapy
  3. Stress Inoculation Therapy 
  4. Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing

For even robust outcomes from trauma therapy, you can even approach innovative treatments and alternative treatments for PTSD. 

Trauma therapy is a form of talk therapy that allows a PTSD therapist to:

  • Alleviate your PTSD symptoms
  • Encourage your self-esteem
  • Co-decide coping strategies for you to battle PTSD 

Four therapeutic treatments have shown immense promise in the field of treatments for PTSD. These include Cognitive Processing Therapy, Prolonged Exposure Therapy, and Stress Inoculation Training, alongside Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing.

Each therapeutic treatment besides Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing is an adaptation of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for PTSD.

Overall, Cognitive Therapy for PTSD is an effective post-traumatic stress disorder treatment. The purpose of the therapy is to engage you in developing a thought process that eradicates the possibility of being negatively affected by your traumatic memories. 

Through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for PTSD, you can learn coping mechanisms that can allow you to traverse through your PTSD journey without mental discomfort. 

You can learn to manage your symptoms and view your trauma in a positive, redeeming light. 

Now, how do PTSD therapies work? Is there a secret hack? Are PTSD therapies effective? If yes, then how to get rid of PTSD with therapies? 

PTSD Treatment with Cognitive Processing Therapy

The human mind is capable of convincing us to adhere to the most bizarre and tiresome facts.

In the case of trauma survivors, the brain is forced to jump to certain conclusions, which can range to and from:

  • You might begin to believe that your relationships are not worth the effort.
  • You might convince yourself that you are the culprit and you are responsible for everything bad that takes place. 
  • You might even believe that you are to blame for your own trauma.
  • You might develop trust issues and begin to detach yourself from people.
  • Your brain might incline you to believe that “support” is a mere hoax. 

Trauma survivors are most likely to develop these mindsets if they are not able to process the traumatic event immediately after it has taken place. 

As days pass by, the mental negativity builds up and concludes thoughts that might not even be partially true. This is where the role of Cognitive Processing Therapy and your PTSD psychologist jumps in. 

Note: Cognitive Processing Therapy is talk therapy and is an adaptation of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for PTSD. 

The purpose of Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD is to recognize these demeaning and self-defeating thought patterns that prevent you from forgetting your trauma. In a total of 12 sessions of Cognitive Processing Therapy (30-60 minutes each), your PTSD therapist will talk to you about your trauma. 

As you and your PTSD therapist come across these thoughts, you will be asked to dig deeper to discover the roots of these thoughts. Once that chapter is over, your PTSD psychologist will work with you to prove the biases of your thoughts. 

Eventually, your trauma therapist will help you visualize how your traumatic memories and the consequent fabrications of your mind have affected your life. Once the trauma therapist achieves this, Cognitive Processing Therapy will help you differentiate between the facts and the biases. 

Long story short, trauma therapy as Cognitive Processing Therapy has been devised as a way for your trauma therapist to help you realize how:

  • Important it is to process your trauma.
  • Your traumatic memories have created untrue fabrications within your mind.
  • Traumatic treatment is helping you identify, erase, and replace those fabrications.
  • You can develop ways to live and cope with the past trauma.

Note: During Cognitive Processing Therapy, your PTSD psychologist might even ask you to reiterate your thoughts in writing. Later on, you will discuss each point that you have written with your trauma therapist. 

Research from England and Wales indicates that police officers experience the “cost of caring” which eventually results in PTSD. In other words, PTSD in police officers arises when they are exposed to traumatic victims. The memories of meeting victims of trauma for the very first time becomes ingrained within their minds and ultimately, progresses into PTSD. 

What does this signify? It depicts that even as people experience trauma, there are a few memories that feel more dangerous than others. 

These memories come in flashbacks that can impact the patient tremendously.  

So, how can a PTSD therapist conduct Prolonged Exposure Therapy as a treatment for PTSD? Like Cognitive Processing Therapy, Prolonged Exposure Therapy also addresses the memories that a person forms after being exposed to the traumatic event. 

As you undergo 8-15 trauma therapy sessions – 60-90 minutes per sessionyour PTSD therapist will follow a step-by-step protocol for the PTSD treatment plan. 

As the first step of your PTSD counselling, your PTSD psychologist will educate you about the symptoms of PTSD. Once you begin opening yourself to traumatic memories, the symptoms of PTSD will rush through.

The purpose of educating you is to ensure that none of the symptoms are alarming for you. As for the second step of your PTSD treatment plan, your trauma therapist will teach you some self-relaxing techniques and procedures. 

You will practice breathing exercises and meditation at the Prolonged Exposure Therapy centre, as well as at home. Eventually, as you reach the third and final step of the Prolonged Exposure Therapy and PTSD treatment plan, you and your trauma therapist will span through each of your traumatic memories. 

Meanwhile, the traumatic treatment will continue with talk therapy as you re-experience each memory of the trauma, feel each symptom of PTSD barging through, and practice self-calming techniques altogether. 

You will revisit each flashback in detail until each memory becomes hollow for you. Your PTSD psychologist will train your mind to stop reacting to the memory during PTSD counselling. As your PTSD treatment plan for Prolonged Exposure Therapy comes to an end, your trauma will cease haunting your emotions and thoughts. 

If PTSD and Insomnia have had strong acquaintances with each other in the past, Prolonged Exposure Therapy will help you battle your PTSD insomnia. 

Studies from the UK have investigated the prevalence of PTSD and profound stress among the armed forces. The results? Stress is a hindrance to PTSD recovery. The question is, how to heal PTSD with Stress Inoculation Training? 

Well, the Stress Inoculation definition points towards the notion that an adaptation of Cognitive Therapy for PTSD can be used to decrease and manage trauma-derived stress. 

Unlike Prolonged Exposure Therapy, your trauma therapist will not encourage you to talk in detail or recall each fragment of the trauma. 

Instead, the main focus of the trauma therapist will be maintained towards analysing, equating, and deleting the roots of stress embedded within your brain. 

As you traverse through the three main phases of Stress Inoculation Training, your PTSD psychologist will continue your PTSD counselling to devise coping strategies to manage and work against the wind of stress. 

During the first phase of Stress Inoculation Training, your PTSD therapist will educate you about the signs of worsening PTSD-related stress. You will also discuss the coping strategies that you currently practice if any. 

As the second phase comes upon your PTSD treatment plan, your trauma therapist will develop coping strategies with your active collaboration. 

The last phase of the training will continue for the rest of your life as you practice the newly developed coping strategies for the rest of your PTSD treatment with the PTSD therapist and at home. 

Note: Please remember that all the previously discussed derivations of Cognitive therapy for PTSD are psychotherapies for PTSD. Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing is a neuropsychotherapy! 

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing is NOT an adaptation of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for PTSD. 

However, it is just as effective. The focus on the neurological aspect of neuropsychotherapy has been maintained throughout the research in the UK. 

Why? Merely because PTSD is not exclusively a psychological condition. 

The fact that PTSD affects the physical regions of the brain, namely the amygdala, prefrontal cortex, and hippocampus – along with the concentrations of serotonin and noradrenaline in the brain – makes it a neurological condition. 

While the amygdala is associated with fear and paranoia, the hippocampus is the memory-forming station. The prefrontal cortex is concerned with decision-making and clarity of thoughts. 

In patients with PTSD, the amygdala becomes over-stimulated, while the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex become under-stimulated. 

EMDR focuses on the neurological as well as the psychological aspect of PTSD treatment. 

During the traumatic treatment, you and your PTSD therapist will scan your traumatic memories one after the other. 

As you come across the memory that affects you most severely, your trauma therapist will ask you to focus on that specific memory while making repetitive eye movements. 

These repetitive eye movements will follow the side-to-side movement of your PTSD psychologist’s finger. Research is evident that EMDR can decrease the function of the amygdala in the brain.

In doing so, it also synchronises your brain waves to counter the anxiety caused by traumatic memories. 

Including EMDR in the PTSD treatment plan is a recommendation by the World Health Organization (WHO). 

EMDR will reward you with the skills that you need to manage your depressive thoughts, stress, and anxiety. It gives you an excuse to battle your PTSD-triggered insomnia. 

As for the effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing:

“I can honestly say that EMDR helped change my crippling ‘flashbacks’ to memories, which are so much more manageable and feel so much less real,” said Emily from Scotland. 

Most often, if your trauma is severe and the condition remains unalleviated after months, your trauma therapist will most likely prescribe you some antidepressants to help you through PTSD. 

These antidepressants can belong to two different pharmacological groups: SSRIs and SNRIs. 

Before prescribing the drugs, the PTSD therapist will evaluate your condition and consider the possible common and rare side effects of each drug. 

Only if a certain medication falls on the “safety radar” for you, it will be prescribed to you. But, all you need to remember is that medicines for PTSD often arrive with an army of side effects. 

SSRIs – Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors for Traumatic Treatment

As the name depicts, SSRIs prevent the reuptake of Serotonin – a neurotransmitter – in the brain. This implies that Serotonin “sits” within the Central Nervous System because of these medicines for PTSD and keeps stimulating the brain. But, what is the function of this serotonin? 

To answer your unvoiced query, serotonin is responsible to alleviate mood, create the emotions concerned with happiness, maintain sleeping habits, and sustain a normal appetite. 

In patients with PTSD, the production and concentration of serotonin within the brain can become imbalanced. This can further lead to vivid dreams, insomnia, mood swings, and irritability. 

As a treatment for PTSD, when SSRIs are administered, they can cause the effects of serotonin to build up by slowing its reabsorption back into the vesicles that the neurotransmitter is released from. 

Prozac for PTSD Treatment

Fluoxetine (Prozac) is a prescription drug. It will probably be your PTSD psychologist’s first choice while prescribing you medicines for PTSD.

Prozac, like all other SSRIs, works by increasing the serotonin concentration within the brain. 

The oral form of Prozac is prescribed during the PTSD treatment whilst your trauma therapy continues forth. 

The increase in serotonin will treat your symptoms of PTSD, including anxiety, restlessness and stress. 

Unfortunately, the benefits of Prozac for PTSD are outweighed by its side effects. The common side effects of Prozac for PTSD medication include:

  • Decreased libido
  • Vivid and unusual dreams
  • Decreased appetite
  • Weakness
  • Flu
  • Dry mouth
  • Digestive problems
  • Insomnia 
  • Nausea 
  • Rashes
  • Uncontrolled tremors

Sadly, much worse side effects can venture out of treatment with Prozac for PTSD. If the amount of serotonin building up within your nervous system exceeds its limits, it might cause you to have auditory, visual, or tactile hallucinations along with agitation. 

Overactive reflexes, feeling “on the edge,” nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and tachycardia are some worse symptoms. 

Furthermore, generally speaking, PTSD and Insomnia tend to be close companions. Prozac, unfortunately, does not solve the problem of PTSD-related insomnia. Because of the unusual dreams that Prozac for PTSD triggers, you might end up having even more sleeping problems. 

Zoloft to treat PTSD and Traumas

Like Prozac for PTSD, Sertraline (Zoloft) works in the same manner by increasing the concentration of serotonin in the brain. Therefore, it stabilizes your PTSD symptoms a great deal. 

In the UK, Zoloft comes as an oral tablet and as an oral solution. Either way, the efficacy of the medicine for PTSD remains sustainable.

Furthermore, Zoloft is used as a combination therapy. This implies that whilst you are being treated, you might undergo therapeutic treatment with other medicines for PTSD as well as sessions of therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder.

As Zoloft elevates your mood and suppresses the symptoms of depression and anxiety associated with PTSD, it also casts some side effects.

The common side effects of PTSD medication, Zoloft, include:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhoea
  • Tremors in the limbs
  • Agitation
  • Fatigue
  • Profuse sweating. 

However, the rare PTSD medication side effects of Zoloft are a lot more intense. According to the FDA, Zoloft can cause hallucination and aggressive behaviour. 

You might display impulsive thinking as well. Apart from this, Zoloft can also cause newly developed symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

Warning for Zoloft for PTSD: With the increasing or worsening depression symptoms, patients under the age of 25 consuming Zoloft might develop extreme suicidal tendencies. For this exact reason, parents and other family members must undertake the possibility that a loved one might be exploring the thought of suicide.

Keep an eye on the symptoms of depression and suicidal thoughts. Observe any changes in mood, behaviour, habits, or coping mechanisms of the children. Report the changes to a PTSD therapist. 

Note: The symptoms of depression can worsen especially when the dosage of the medicine for PTSD is altered by the trauma therapist. 

Paxil for PTSD Treatment 

Yet another SSRI that is prescribed to the patients besides Zoloft and Prozac for PTSD, is Paroxetine (Paxil). 

Simply speaking, the working mechanism of the medication is the same as Zoloft and Prozac for PTSD. 

The common PTSD medication side effects of Paxil include the following:

  • Sleepiness during the day, wakefulness at night. 
  • Weakness
  • Anxiousness 
  • Nausea
  • Impotence
  • Profuse sweating
  • Dry mouth
  • Constipation

Unfortunately, this story is not so short. Like Zoloft, Paxil comes with a black box warning – the most dangerous form of warning by the FDA that warns the PTSD therapist and the patient about the disastrous side effects of the medicine for PTSD. 

The warning indicates that the symptoms of depression can skyrocket in several individuals consuming Paxil. With this arises the plausibility of suicide. 

Paxil, like all other SSRI antidepressants, can cause hallucinations, agitation, and tachycardia (increased heart rate). 

Note: Paxil cannot be stopped abruptly. This medicine for PTSD has to be tapered off gradually. Otherwise, it can cause extremely bothersome withdrawal symptoms, considering that it is a stimulant drug. 

SNRIs – Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors

Similar to serotonin, norepinephrine – also called noradrenaline – is a neurotransmitter in the brain that can trigger feelings of relaxation by decreasing the body’s “fight or flight” mechanism. 

In patients with PTSD, continuously “being on the edge” begins to feel like a curse. The high-alert mode of the brain keeps the PTSD patients exposed to fear and paranoia. 

Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors work by increasing the amount of norepinephrine that “sits” within the brain.

With SNRIs, your Central Nervous System will accumulate serotonin as well as norepinephrine together. 

Let’s take a deeper look at Venlafaxine (Effexor), an SNRI antidepressant. 

Effexor for Traumas Treatment

Now that we have acknowledged the mechanism of working of SNRIs for PTSD, let’s take a look at the other aspects associated with Venlafaxine (Effexor). 

Unlike SSRIs, Effexor comes in the form of an oral capsule. The normal dosage for the drug is 1 tablet per day for PTSD treatment.

According to PTSD patients, Effexor can “save one’s life.” 

However, what cost does a person have to pay for that? Let’s see. The common PTSD medication side effects of Effexor include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Drowsiness
  • Weakness
  • Loss of libido (In both men and women)
  • Nausea
  • Insomnia 
  • Sweating
  • Constipation

Most of the side effects of Effexor eliminate themselves within a few weeks. But, if they do not, please consult a physician promptly. 

In many cases, Effexor can have multiple serious side effects including seizures, hallucinations and tachycardia (Serotonin Syndrome), Hypertension (high blood pressure), low salt levels in the body, and pneumonia at times. 

Other “Off Label” Medicines for PTSD 

SSRIs and SNRIs are not the only antidepressant medicines that are prescribed to patients with PTSD. 

The following pharmacological agents can also be prescribed for PTSD in the UK:

  1. Benzodiazepines
  2. Beta-Blockers
  3. Tranquillizers
  4. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
  5. Second Generation Antipsychotics

The purpose of prescribing these medicines for PTSD is not to treat the mental health disorder, but to resolve the symptoms that accompany it. 

Because bodies react differently to SSRIs and SNRIs, the symptoms of PTSD cannot be resolved with them at times. 

In such cases, the aforementioned medications are chosen for the patients. 

As we have noted above, none of the medications for PTSD that are approved by the FDA can resolve insomnia related to PTSD. For this reason, your doctor might prescribe you tranquillizers or sleeping aid to combat PTSD-triggered insomnia. 

We know that you are wondering what is the ideal PTSD treatment plan for your loved ones. But, to be fair, the variables that affect the “ideal” PTSD treatment plan can differ significantly. 

So, you can never know what to expect from PTSD treatment. However, one thing is for sure: The medicines for PTSD come with their consequences, while the trauma therapy/ psychotherapeutic treatments are consequence-free and side effects-free. 

Let’s add to this and expand our knowledge about the ideal course of PTSD treatment. 

First of all, pharmacotherapy for PTSD is a way of masking the symptoms of PTSD. As long as you consume the drugs, you will stay free of extreme PTSD symptoms.

However, with the help of a PTSD therapist and PTSD counselling, you will be able to communicate and talk about your trauma until the very seed of traumatic memories is pulled out from your mind. 

Second of all, for this same reason, psychotherapy for PTSD is a long-term solution. Medicines for PTSD, conversely, give a short-term answer to your problems. 

Moreover, you cannot even begin to imagine the side effects of medicines for PTSD. Despite the fact that they are necessary, they arrive with negative effects that cannot be reiterated. The side effects will depend upon your condition and liability towards drugs. 

Now, as you would expect, trauma therapy through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for PTSD and its subtypes, as well as Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing do not conjure up any side effects. 

Trauma therapy will never harm you physically, mentally, or psychologically. Medicines for PTSD will. 

Above all of this, there is yet another benefit of opting for psychotherapy instead of pharmacotherapy: Medicines for PTSD – SSRIs and SNRIs – are stimulants. 

In the long term, after consuming medications for PTSD, your brain will fail to normalize its function without the presence of SSRIs and SNRIs. 

The outcome? You will become physically dependent upon the medicines for PTSD. The situation will be even worse if you begin to deflect your problems and abuse Benzodiazepines and sleeping pills. 

Eventually, you will become addicted to antidepressants for PTSD. 

Your safety is a major concern when it comes to medication intake. Opposite to this, psychotherapy eliminates this concern completely. 

Note: All stimulant antidepressants, benzos, and sleeping pills can cause you to become addicted within 3-6 months. 

If you are in doubt about the PTSD medications’ side effects yet you still want to achieve robust outcomes from trauma therapy, it might be an appropriate option for you to evaluate the possibility of undertaking alternative treatments for PTSD, as well as some innovative treatments. 

Alternative treatments are not always medicinal in purpose. Instead, they are treatments for PTSD that can increase the effectiveness of ongoing PTSD treatment plans. So, are they effective on their own? Not likely. 

Innovative treatments are slightly different from alternative treatments for PTSD. But, even though they might be more effective than alternative treatments for PTSD, they can result in a greater number of side effects. Let’s explore both options. 

Alternative Treatments for PTSD – Trauma-Sensitive Yoga

Trauma-sensitive yoga is different from normal yoga because it focuses more on the liberating aspect of body movements than the fitness aspect. 

Putting it differently, trauma-sensitive yoga is a gentle art that allows you to reconnect with your body. As you become familiar with your motions and movements, your mind will calm itself down and flow with each pose you transform into. 

But, how does this help with PTSD? 

Well, in the UK, domestic violence is extremely common. 5.7% of White women, 3.7% of Black women, and 3.6% of Asian women experience domestic violence and develop PTSD. Research suggests that this form of PTSD can be effectively treated by trauma-sensitive yoga. 

As you become familiar with your physiological functions through yoga, your brain will cast itself into a mould of relaxation.

Patients with PTSD have indicated that trauma-sensitive yoga has also helped them combat PTSD-resultant insomnia. 

Alternative Treatments for Traumas – Acupuncture 

Acupuncture is a Chinese medicinal approach. The procedure works with the assistance of a specialist who inserts thin, small needles in different locations on the skin. 

So, what can you expect from acupuncture? To be fair, the entire purpose of acupuncture is to restore energy and create a balance throughout the body. It can release any mental and physical tension that you have accumulated within. 

As acupuncture begins to restore the function of the autonomic nervous system (The nervous system that controls hormonal function), the concentration of norepinephrine within the body can come back to normal. 

Since norepinephrine counters the effect of the “flight or fight” response within the body, PTSD patients can feel a mild decrease in stress and anxiety after undergoing acupuncture.

Innovative Treatments and Their Dangers

There are two major ways of PTSD treatment with innovative techniques: MDMA-Assisted Therapy and Virtual Exposure. 

  1. MDMA-Assisted Therapy: Ecstasy/ MDMA is an illicit drug that affects the brain by stimulating it and creating feelings of tranquillity and happiness. MDMA-Assisted Therapy is an approach whereby your trauma therapist will provide you with the drug which you will consume. 

As the effects of the drug increase, you will be asked to talk about your trauma. The rest of the procedure works like Cognitive Processing Therapy. You will develop coping strategies and stress management tactics until your traumatic memories cease to have their effects on you.

  1. Visual Exposure: This innovative technique is built on the same principle as Prolonged Exposure Therapy. The only difference is that Virtual Exposure immerses you in a world of virtual reality whereby your trauma is repeated in front of your eyes.

 While you witness the trauma over again, you will be asked by your PTSD psychologist to talk about the memories and how they make you feel. 

As for MDMA-Assisted Therapy, the greatest danger is apparent; Ecstasy is a strong recreational drug. Becoming addicted to MDMA is probably the last thing that your PTSD calls for. 

As far as virtual exposure is concerned, the immersion into experiencing the trauma visually all over again can be extreme for some people. This can lead to further psychological damage. 

What’s the lesson in all of this?

The effectiveness of alternative treatments for PTSD is immense. The side effects and dangers of it are non-existent. Opposite to this, the dangers of innovative PTSD treatments outweigh any possible benefits. 

An inpatient PTSD treatment center is the ideal approach for seeking PTSD treatment. But, why? 

PTSD in extreme conditions can be a bothersome, life-altering disorder. It is an illness and it requires an effective and continuous treatment. 

A PTSD treatment plan can last for 30-90 days. All subtypes and adaptations of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for PTSD require at least 8-15 sessions. EMDR requires significant time for treating PTSD as well. 

Additionally, if your PTSD therapist at an inpatient PTSD treatment centre provides you with prescription medications, you will need to be monitored for several days to ensure that none of the medicines for PTSD are hazards to your otherwise healthy body. 

An inpatient PTSD treatment center in the UK will provide you with the following benefits:

Firstly, Around-the-clock monitoring of PTSD symptoms will ensure that your PTSD treatment plan is regularly revised depending upon any improvement or deterioration in condition. 

Secondly, effective therapeutic treatments of all types will be provided to you under one roof. Moreover, daily scheduled individual and group meetings with the PTSD therapists will give you a chance to gain support. 

A sophisticated treatment plan, tailored to your specific needs, will guide your PTSD symptoms to walk out from your life. 

An immersive PTSD treatment approach to build a new life for you is, undoubtedly, the most important benefit of seeking inpatient PTSD treatment in the UK

Lucky for you, The Balance Luxury Rehab can provide you with quality, high-end treatment at an inpatient PTSD treatment center. Rest assured, with our assistance, you will walk back to a brand new life, free from fear and paranoia! 

PTSD luxury treatment is a way for you to escape from your old trauma-centred life and arrive at your ideal destination to achieve ultimate comfort.

The facilities at a 5-star treatment centre for PTSD will enable you to experience tranquillity, familiarity, and warmth. A luxury inpatient treatment centre is your opportunity to acquire the high-end treatment that you deserve. 

Where every client has a private villa, other facilities at Balance luxury treatment centers for PTSD include:

  • Absolute privacy
  • Private chef
  • Driver
  • Personal housekeeping
  • Recreational facilities, for instance, a pool, a big garden, golf, etc.
  • Acupuncture
  • Trauma-sensitive Yoga
  • Massage therapy
  • Art and Music therapy 

Whether you choose to acquire PTSD treatment at an inpatient treatment centre or an outpatient clinic, you must introduce a few changes to your lifestyle. 

Why so? Well, PTSD cannot be cured. Even though a PTSD treatment can completely dial down the symptoms of PTSD and the effects of your trauma-related memories, PTSD will always be a shadow to you. 

Nonetheless, with a few lifestyle changes, you might begin to feel like you never experienced trauma in the first place. 

Let’s take a look at what you can do:

  • Join support groups: Joining support groups for PTSD can help you acknowledge that you are not alone in your path to recovery and that trauma does not do justice to anyone. Increasing your contacts with other people can help you gain support from all directions. 
  • Rebuild existing relationships: PTSD can endanger your relationships with people that you were previously close with. Rebuilding these relationships, investing more time and trust in them can encourage you to believe that you have the support of your loved ones. 
  • Drugs are a big NO! Whether it is drugs or alcohol, never form an escape route that traverses through them. PTSD and addictions do not go well together. Remember that your life goal is to get better and not dysfunctional. 
  • Workout more: Exercising can help you combat PTSD-related insomnia, while also releasing the tension and frustration that you might feel because of anxiety. Regular cardio, walking, jogging, or even a simple yoga session, can create feelings of happiness with the release of “feel good” endorphins within the brain. 
  • Engage in community service: If you feel that you are accountable to the community, you will stay on the right track and follow the aforementioned guidelines. For this reason, engaging in some community service can help you achieve a sense of responsibility. It can make you feel that you belong to the society that everyone else belongs to. 

Long story short, PTSD can be treated with medications as well as with traumatic treatment/trauma therapy. Paxil, Effexor, Zoloft, and Prozac for PTSD are the medications that can be prescribed to you for PTSD treatment. 

However, in most cases, medications will not be prescribed without trauma therapy with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for PTSD or EMDR. Either way, an inpatient, luxury treatment for PTSD is a crucial aspect for you to consider because of the benefits and the facilities that it provides. 

An inpatient treatment centre for PTSD can also provide alternative treatments for PTSD including yoga and acupuncture. Are you searching for a treatment option for your loved ones? Well, your search is over. We are an inpatient facility that provides luxury treatment for all those who suffer from PTSD. Choose the best luxury treatment for your loved one by opting for us, today! 

If you require inpatient treatment, pharmacotherapy, psychological therapies, or treatments for a life-altering condition like PTSD and/or the mental health disorders and addictions that come along with PTSD, contact us and acquire the luxury treatment at T he Balance Luxury Rehab that you deserve. 

PTSD is treatable. The resurrection of your trauma-free life is one call away! 



The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


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