Intensive residential treatment program starting from 4 weeks. Location: Mallorca, Zurich, London.
Personally design outpatient treatment sessions or programs and ongoing case management. Location: Mallorca, London, Zurich.
Treatment program on a luxury yacht in the Mediterrenean sea. Location: Mallorca.
Comprehensive second opinion assessments for both psychiatric and general health concerns. Location: Mallorca, Zurich, London
8 Minutes
Stimulants refer to a broad class of drugs that directly affect the body and the brain, causing users to stay awake for longer, feel more energetic, and enjoy high alertness. While these short-lived effects of stimulants may seem appealing initially, they can cause significant damage to your respiratory and cardiovascular systems. What’s worse is the extremely high addiction potential that may make anyone dependent on them and forced to continue taking these pills forever unless help is sought.
Joining a stimulants addiction rehab centre is the best course of action for anyone who is unable to quit these brain-altering medications despite numerous attempts. These rehabs offer a supportive and safe environment where clients can work alongside qualified doctors, therapists, and other staff members to make recovery possible.
Stimulants refer to a group of drugs that increase the activity in the body. Also known as “uppers” in slang terms, a large chunk of the population abuses these medications due to their euphoric and performance-enhancing effects. Generally, people who abuse stimulants are either students wishing to enhance their focus or people with hectic routines seeking heightened energy levels that last throughout the day.
Most types of stimulants work by speeding up the physical and mental processes that, in turn, lead to desirable effects by increasing the levels of dopamine levels in the brain. While users may feel happy post-use, these effects are short-lived and terminate within ours, compelling them to repeat the dose. However, these individuals fail to foresee the long-term negative consequences of stimulant abuse. These consequences can devastate lives, so it is critical to seek help from a stimulant addiction treatment rehab as quickly as possible.
Stimulants are broadly categorised into two types: legal and illicit, both of which are commonly abused. Some examples of the most well-known stimuli include:
If a loved one around you is suffering from stimulant addiction, convincing them to join a stimulants addiction rehab centre can be particularly challenging. Try to approach them as calmly as possible and without any judgment. Always proceed with caution and approach the situation only after adequately preparing yourself about how to conduct a healthy discussion. Without planning, you may do more harm than helping the situation and your current relationship. It may be natural to react too hastily once you suspect an addiction; however, a thought-out plan can get you through more comfortably and increases the chances of successfully convincing your dear one to seek therapy.
Someone abusing a stimulant or addicted to it will resist your attempts to point out a problem or change the harmful behaviours. This is because long-term drug abuse often changes the user’s brain in ways that hamper their self-control and cloud their judgments. These effects can make your task more complex, so you must always handle the scenario with utmost care.
Often, simple conversations about joining a stimulants treatment program turn into arguments, as you may have developed frustration about their inability to quit and feel as if they have chosen the drugs over you. However, even if you are upset or frustrated, talk to your dear ones without letting these feelings overwhelm you to avoid getting derailed. Instead, be calm and try talking to them when they are sober.
While conducting a conversation with a stimulant addict, keep the following tips in mind:
Continued abuse of stimulants, irrespective of the type, can easily progress to a substance use disorder. Once addiction takes hold, professional care is advised for the best chance at complete and long-lasting recovery.
A general treatment plan begins with a stimulants detox, especially for clients suffering from polysubstance abuse, long-term stimulant abuse, or co-occurring mental health disorders. In a professional rehab facility, clients are supervised round the clock as their bodies continue to flush out all residues of stimulants from their systems. Sometimes, the process is aided with the help of medications that aim to address specific withdrawal symptoms and make the entire experience as comfortable as possible. Throughout the entire length of the detox, supportive care is provided in the form of proper hydration, nutrition, and encouragement.
While detox forms the essential first step to recovery for individuals addicted to stimulants, it does not constitute treatment on its own. Hence, the detox process is almost always followed by a comprehensive therapy program. This incorporates different types of behavioural therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which is mainly used to manage cocaine addiction with high success rates. This short-term therapy involved recognising thought patterns that lead to stimulant addiction and then working on changing them to alter the associated addictive behaviour. As a part of CBT, clients learn to develop positive coping mechanisms to fight triggers, drawing them towards stimulant addiction.
Contingency management, a type of therapy based on the reward system, has been effectively added to all recent treatment plans for stimulant addiction. As a part of this therapy, clients are given different rewards, such as vouchers for activities, for successfully achieving certain milestones. For example, a client may get a pass to the rehab’s own spa and sauna if they remain sober for a set number of days.
The Matrix Model is among other treatment modalities used by every top-of-the-line stimulant addiction rehab UK. According to this model, the therapist and clients work closely to support positive behaviour changes while boosting the client’s self-worth in their own eyes. As treatment continues, clients can gain more self-confidence and realise that with the right tools in place, they can best help themselves.
The care plans are customised to fit the individual client’s needs, as with all other addiction treatments. No cookie-cutter approach to an addiction-free life works for everyone, and a rehab realising this can be your best shot at recovery.
In most cases, no specific reason may force someone to turn to stimulants and keep consuming them unless they become habitual. It is more likely that the cause behind this type of addiction stems from a combination of various psychological, environmental, and genetic factors explained below:
Genetics: If you have a family member with a past history of addiction, you might be at risk of developing it due to a similar genetic structure and makeup.
Environment: Your family’s attitude and beliefs towards substance use can contribute to your risk of developing an addiction in the future. Exposure to illegal substances and their mishandling by friends and family can significantly impact your chances of adopting similar behaviours.
The chances of acquiring stimulant addiction depend on a number of risk factors which include:
A co-existing mental health issue
Peer pressure
An isolated life where consuming stimulants feels like an escape
Poor support network
If you have been consistently taking stimulants for some time, you might have already developed certain psychological and behavioural changes, including the following:
More frequent mood swings, characterised by episodes of paranoia and depression, typically one to two days after the use of stimulants
Disturbed sleep habits and a need to take tranquilisers to cope with this problem
Heightened anxiety levels
An increased tendency to experience panic attacks
Increased irritability and erratic behaviours at work and at home
Prolonged and relatively heavier use of stimulants leads to more marked symptoms of an underlying mental illness, including:
Psychosis: characterised by paranoid thoughts that fail to go away
Panic disorder: characterised by recurrent episodes of fear, worry, and anxiety
Severe debilitating depression
Auditory hallucinations: a phenomenon where you hear voices that are not real
If you have developed or are on the verge of developing the symptoms mentioned above, it is imperative to do something about your addiction at once. Contact a suitable service provider and book a program for yourself to get out of addiction before it grips your life permanently.
The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.