9 Minutes

Edited & medically reviewed by THE BALANCE Team
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Commonly known as weed, marijuana is a drug derived from the cannabis plant that possesses natural mild-altering properties. While. Many people continue to use it normally without any risks; the truth is marijuana is highly addictive thanks to its high THC content. When taken in higher doses, it can easily impair memory and trigger mood changes, eventually leading to addiction in the long run.

Fortunately, breaking free from marijuana or weed addiction is possible with the proper support and help. To achieve this, most must undergo a comprehensive weed detox program that lays a strong foundation for recovery and prepare addicts to begin rehabilitation with a clean slate.

A THC or cannabis detox includes a process of clearing out any residues of this drug from the body that may have been accumulated due to its consistent use. It usually begins with quitting the drug cold turkey and allowing the body to flush out all the remaining bits day by day. Keep in mind that some metabolites of THC, the active ingredient in weed responsible for its psychoactive properties, can linger for up to 4 weeks after ingesting or inhaling the drug, so do not expect the process to get over within days.

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The process of weed detox can vary in intensity, with some people getting through it easily while others face extreme difficulties. The duration is also variable, depending on how heavily and consistently a person uses the drug. For heavy drug abusers, the detox process often includes unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, such as:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Decreased appetite

Because the withdrawal symptoms described above can potentially become life-threatening, experts advise detoxing from weed at a professional rehab. These rehabs include several detox experts, including nurses and medical doctors, who keep close tabs on all patients and monitor their vital signs from time to time. Depending on the circumstances and necessity, experts may prescribe medicines to manage the withdrawal symptoms and make the overall process as comfortable as possible. Some of these medications, along with the withdrawal symptoms they treat, include the following: [1]

  • Anxiety and Agitation: Diazepam, Dronabinol
  • Sleep Disturbances: Promethazine, Zolpidem
  • Stomach Pain/ Nausea: Hyoscine, Metoclopramide

Because cannabis detox can be emotionally and physically challenging for most people, try having as much support around you as possible. While the absolute best way to detox from this drug is through a medically-supervised program, you can do a lot more to speed it up and make it more comfortable.

Wondering how to get weed out of your system quicker? Follow the tips mentioned below:

Abstain from THC

It goes without saying that to detox from a drug such as weed, it is imperative that you completely halt its use. Whether you decide to do it cold turkey or through a tapering process, the detox process from THC cannot truly kick in until you kick cannabis completely out of the picture.


The human body stores cannabis or THC in fat cells. The fewer the fat cells, the fewer the THC leftovers. So consider participating in light cardio and weight training exercises as you detox from weed to increase metabolism and burn fat. In addition to making the process faster, exercise will boost the production of happy hormones to regulate mood and even minimise the risk of relapses. [2]

Stay Hydrated

Drink lots of water during detox to cleanse the body and expel toxins faster. Maintaining adequate hydration levels is also essential, as detox can quickly make a person run low on water due to constant nausea and vomiting.

Eat Mindfully and Healthily

As you are busy detoxing from weed, make sure to take care of your dietary intake. Avoid foods rich in sugar, sodium, and fat, as they can increase water retention while making the metabolism slower, which, in turn, reduces the body’s ability to get rid of THC. Instead, eat nutritious, healthy foods like lean meats, fruits, and vegetables. Green foods are essential during detox as they are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals and can significantly boost metabolic processes. Some examples of these foods include kale and spinach.

While you are attempting to eat mindfully, do not forget to add healthy fibres to your diet by eating peanuts, beans, whole wheat, and legumes. These key detox food items regulate gut health and play a crucial role in stabilising sleep and mood while easing many negative withdrawal symptoms.

Drink Teas

While we are still on healthy eating, complement your daily food intake with antioxidant-rich teas made from milk thistle and dandelion. These natural beverages are delicious and can serve as an essential way to speed up the weed detox process.

Pay Attention to Mental Health

A detox can easily exacerbate negative emotions in anyone. So as you are going through this tedious process, remember to be gentle with yourself and pay heed to your mental health. Prioritising mental health may mean different things for different individuals. Some may participate in activities like meditation, yoga, and exercise to stabilise their mood, while others may prefer taking professional help through psychotherapy to get through this difficult time. Remember that there are no set rules regarding taking care of mental health, so do not hesitate to choose whatever works best for you.

Nurture Yourself

If you are going through a cannabis detox, consider it an opportunity to take care of yourself. Visualise this time as a vacation and focus on pampering yourself with little to worry about. Self-pampering can look different for everyone depending on their taste and preferences. For example, consider taking a walk in the local park, buying your favourite book, listening to soothing music, or going for a spa day. In short, do whatever truly makes you happy and allow yourself to fully enjoy the experience.

After completing a detox process, many patients continue recovery by entering rehabilitative programs where they seek behavioural therapy to find and address the root causes of their addiction.

Following a successful detox from THC or weed, many people are curious to know how they can recover their brain health once they have stopped using the drug. While there is no quick fix to reverse the brain damage and trigger recovery and healing in the organ, the following tips can help control the adverse effects of marijuana on the brain and help bring it back to normal shape and structure.

Poor Memory

Poor memory is one of the most common side effects of long-term marijuana use. To recover from this side effect, consider engaging your brain in different mind games and exercises. Consider taking help from a mental health professional who can guide you best about the activities to improve your memory and focus. At the same time, you may take help from several mobile phone applications that can engage your brain in daily exercises and improve its memory-retaining skills in only a handful of sessions.

Decreased Concentration

Prolonged use of weed can easily dwindle the attention span and concentration of anyone. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to reverse this damage slowly but steadily. For example, prioritising tasks by making lists and organising them in terms of importance is an easy way to enhance concentration and make the most out of your day. Break down any lengthy tasks into bite-sized chunks and take regular breaks in between to maintain concentration and focus while maximizing productivity. Another easy way to increase concentration while working is by limiting distractions and removing clutter from the surroundings to lower external stimulation.

Decreased Reaction Times

While weed can significantly reduce reaction times, activities like video games can slowly revert these changes, allowing the brain to recover and regain a heightened sensitivity and awareness regarding the surrounding. Make sure to limit your screen time while doing so, as it may quickly become a potential trigger to smoke weed again or even an addiction.

If you are more of an outdoorsy person, consider signing up for a sporting team to recover your brain from the effects of marijuana and build better hand-eye coordination and reaction times.  [3]


Many people complain about how they still feel drowsy after seeking treatment for marijuana addiction and are unable to focus fully on anything. While it may seem tempting to reach out for a cup of coffee or an energy drink to combat this drowsiness, the effects will be temporary and short-lived. Instead of these quick fixes, try permanently recovering your brain by getting to the root cause of the problem and addressing it. For example, evaluate and assess your sleeping routine to find any gaps or problematic areas, such as going to sleep late at night, playing video games or using a computer too close to bedtime, etc. Avoid these activities and adjust your routine to improve your sleep hygiene to eliminate drowsiness and freshen up your mind.

Lack of Motivation

Many recovered weed addicts still lack the motivation to get up and do something in life. To combat this important side effect, try planning your day or week in advance. Make a list of all your goals and commit to them wholeheartedly by making a suitable action plan. Make sure you set smaller goals to achieve them more quickly and gain momentum on the way. Also, pay attention to how you carry yourself, as research believes that body posture and language can also impact one’s thoughts and feelings and brain chemistry.

[1] Connor, J. P., Stjepanović, D., Budney, A. J., Le Foll, B., & Hall, W. D. (2022). Clinical management of cannabis withdrawal. Addiction, 117(7), 2075-2095.

[2] Linke, S. E., & Ussher, M. (2015). Exercise-based treatments for substance use disorders: evidence, theory, and practicality. The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse, 41(1), 7-15.

[3] Klasnja, A., Milenovic, N., Lukac, S., Knezevic, A., Klasnja, J., & Karan Rakic, V. (2022). The Effects of Regular Physical Activity and Playing Video Games on Reaction Time in Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15), 9278.



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