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The validity of whether or not porn addiction is a real addiction is a controversial topic. Some consider it as a behavioural addiction characterised by an obsessive compulsion to view pornographic materials. Experts tend to believe that the brains of the people who watch too much porn usually do not function in the same way as that of drug users. Nevertheless, some experts and evidence-based studies argue that porn addiction is real all the same.

Some people have a tendency to become so obsessed with sexual behaviours and thoughts that they start comparing their impulse of needing to watch porn to those of a nicotine addict needing a cigarette. Whatever the case and the severity of the symptoms, the important thing to remember is to seek adequate porn addiction support as soon as possible without being stigmatised by others. Choosing an appropriate rehab centre offering porn therapy is the best place to begin your recovery process.

Porn addiction is generally considered a challenging issue to treat, mostly because of the ‘triple A’ impact. The affordability, accessibility, and anonymity of porn can make it easy for addicts to watch its content compulsively. As the frequency and duration of these porn-viewing sessions increase gradually, it may take years before you or a loved one may realise that there is a problem. Nevertheless, several ways are available to treat this behavioural disorder. Some of the most commonly used treatment modalities in this context are explained below.


Psychotherapy is an incredible way to explore the triggers and stressors that led to the development of porn addiction in the first place. Also called supportive talk therapy, psychotherapy can help clients understand their connection with porn. Psychotherapy can take place in different forms, such as individual, group, and family sessions, and can help clients identify what led to their unmet needs and maladaptive behaviours.

Over time, clients can develop different strategies to manage their addiction to porn with the help of counsellors. Psychotherapy is also helpful in dealing with porn addiction with a co-occurring mental health disorder.

Behaviour Modification

Behaviour modification is a type of treatment that supports patients to reduce engaging in maladaptive behaviours. It is a psychotherapeutic strategy based on the principles of operant conditioning and can have long-lasting effects on recovery. Many rehabs routinely offer it to clients with sex addiction to help them achieve their milestones in therapy more efficiently.

Depending on the individual goals, behaviour modification help clients manage and even completely stop their porn obsession. A popular type of behaviour modification is a cognitive behavioural therapy that can sometimes be even more effective than medication and other psychotherapies.

Support Groups

Support groups serve as an excellent form of treatment for porn addiciton. During these peer meetings, clients with similar treatment goals or conditions sit together and discuss their experiences, offer insights, and encourage each other. These group members support others through nonprofessional assistance, which is highly beneficial for long-term recovery.

Studies have shown that peer support services can drastically improve the participants’ personal views, self-efficacy, and self-esteem. Over time, clients can experience significant improvements in harm reduction and risky behaviour prevention. Some examples of support groups dealing with porn addiction in the UK include Porn Addicts Anonymous and Sex Addicts Anonymous.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

In some cases, there is an underlying issue triggering porn addiction. Many people who come to rehab seeking treatment for their addiction are found to be suffering from a co-occurring disorder. An excellent way to help tackle such cases is through medication-assisted treatment (MAT).

MAT combines the use of FDA-approved prescription medication with other behavioural therapies or counselling sessions. It is an effective treatment program for people with porn addiction and concurrent issues like depression, anxiety, and even other types of addictions.

Holistic Approaches

Holistic approaches are commonly offered to clients in most porn addiction luxury rehabs. These approaches target the whole body and combine traditional therapy with alternative medicine to bear benefits. These approaches aim to improve overall wellness and health by viewing the client as a whole instead of just a disease. Therapists that specialise in this form of treatment use a variety of modalities such as:

  • Hypnosis
  • Acupuncture
  • Spiritual counselling
  • Massage therapy
  • Homoeopathy
  • Personal training
  • Naturopathy
  • Patient education on lifestyle changes

Most holistic treatments aim to encourage clients to take responsibility for their well-being. In the meantime, clients are supported to strive toward changing their behaviours for better and longer-lasting success.

The pornography addiction treatment centres in the UK serve as a vehicle for healing the past for the addicts. For this purpose, an initial evaluation is carried out to get an idea of your overall mental and physical health. Next, the experts appointed at these facilities work together to formulate the most effective treatment plan for your individual needs with the help of a blend of therapies.

Many porn addicts commonly suffer from one or more underlying psychological issues, like anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression. Most of them also have a history of early life trauma. Over time, such individuals learn to use sexual imagery as a way to disassociate themselves from uncomfortable feelings instead of a way to gain pleasure. For them, looking at pornographic material becomes a default response to deal with life’s daily stressors.

For people stuck in these circumstances, porn addiction counselling can address the compulsive behaviours that surround this addiction. Moreover, it also addresses the underlying issues that fuel it. The treatment plan for such people primarily includes:

  • Exploration of the fear of vulnerability that may prevent porn addicts from being present in intimate relationships
  • Acknowledgement of common contributors to intimacy disorders, such as neglect, trauma, deep-rooted attachment, and issues in the early childhood
  • Looking at different ways in which past pain makes these addicts want to protect themselves by using porn
  • Recognition of how addiction has impacted the personal and work life of the victims
  • Learning to distinguish fantasy life led by porn from real life

The controversial views about pornography addiction and the lack of accepted diagnosis for it have made it extremely hard to come up with a clear clinical picture of porn addiction treatment. Nevertheless, studies investigating related conditions and anecdotal evidence provide a hopeful outlook for individuals who commit to a treatment and relapse prevention program by being a part of the recovery community.

If you are struggling with porn addiction, hope and support are available. Many rehabilitation centres provide suitable treatment options to people with this addiction and other co-occurring disorders. These integrated treatment plans are tailored to each client’s individual needs and incorporate a holistic aspect to trigger recovery on all fronts.

Remember that the most challenging step towards porn addiction recovery is the first one where you accept that you have a problem. It might be hard to accomplish, but you are definitely not alone. Our porn addiction treatment rehab is here to help. Call us today to begin your recovery at once.



The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


a successful and proven concept focusing on underlying causes


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